431267 | Palm Beach, Florida, Assisted Living Facility - Senior Retirement Home, $675,000, 6 Beds, Active Licensee, Owner retiring. |
430247 | Hollywood Florida, 9000 SF Luxury Penthouse, 7 Bedroom, $12.8M ( US Dollars), Ocean and intercostal View, Income Producing |
430242 | Hollywood, Florida, Hotel Type Rental ( AIRBNB), 3,300 SF combo condo, 4 Bedroom, 30th floor,$2,95 Mill ( US Dollars) , Ocean & Intercostal View, Income Prod |
428536 | Florida, large multifamily, $100M, very upscale |
107113 | North America Apartment Rental Market Intelligence Program, New Apartment Construction, Due Diligence on Purchase and Sale, The Hidden Value Market Survey |