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430291ActiveZONED Highway Commercial Land / Industrial for warehouse, Truck terminal, Hotel, Gas station, storage etc. All services are Water, and sewerage online.
430290ActiveTruckyard zoned Land parcel, is available, 2 hours West of GTA on the Main Hwy
430289ActiveThe truck yard lot, not gravelled is available for sale at HWY 402, Strathroy. Many more uses as well to build, warehouses, hotels, and residentials.
430288ActiveZONED Highway Commercial Land / Industrial for warehouse, Truck terminal, Hotel, Gas station, storage etc. All services are Water, and sewerage online.
423225ActiveIn Mississauga or Brampton looking for a banquet hall with property. Capacity of 300 to 1000 guests
423224ActiveEsso Gas station on main Hwy, with a reputable food franchise, is available for sale.$4.2M 3 years NEW High sales.
421358ActiveRare to find East Side Mario restaurant for sale $2M. 1 hour from Toronto Making good money.
421354Active3 Yrs NEW, Gas station with high sales in Collingwood Area. Reduced price to $4.2M We cooperate 2%
420471ActiveWanted Woodstock to Toronto to Oshawa, North to Barrie, Niagara Region. Hotel, $5M-$30M+, Sold One Looking For More.
419796ActiveEsso Gas Station with Pizza Pizza Franchise is for sale. Asking $4.2M
419795ActiveGravel and Sand Pit is available for sale,30 Minutes from Brampton in the North. Not in operation. Valid Licence A
416260Active68 acres of white flat land, for sale opposite Honda Auto Plant at Alliston ON.Commercial big potential.$250,000 Per Acre
416258ActiveSite Plan approved Castelmore 2 Acre lot, with 12.000 Sq feet approved Estate home, Fully serviced home with all floor plans. Serious buyers or agents only
415513Active Brampton Castelmore, a gated community on 2 Acres lot in Brampton with an approved site plan home for 12,000 sq feet is available.
415295ExpiredThe truck yard, 6 Acres in Halton, Ontario is available for sale. BUYERS ONLY***** We do not cooperate.
415290ActiveTruckyard zoned Land parcel, is available, 2 hours West of GTA on the Main Hwy 402
415289ActiveTruckyard zoned Land parcel, is available, 2 hours West of GTA on the Main Hwy 402
412909ActiveThe first time Jane st and Lawrence Ave, a 2-story building is for sale, in North York. Asking $2.6M
408849ActiveNear Barrie, Storage units business with property for sale asking $7.5M. Future development land is also, available.**PRINCIPAL ONLY** AGENTS, PLEASE EXCUSE.
408811ActiveFlat and white land in Caledon, near Old Church road and Heart Lake Rd, with house on it. Principals only, No agents.
408662ActiveWanted office unit to buy in Mississauga, around Derry Rd. 1200 to 1500 sq feet.
407928ActiveSite Plan approved Hotel project, approved in Mississauga for 122 rooms and Banquet facility.$10M Only.
405069ActiveBranded, Wholesale Coffee business in Windsor, with inventory and machinery for sale only $200K. RARE OPPRTUNITY.
404733Sold68.5 Acres land ,Full service on the property, ready to develop.for $8M. Super Deal.
402481ActiveMississauga, Near Lakeshore rd, Water near 2 stories Brand New home for sale $2.7M 3600Sq feet, 4 Bedrooms,2 Garages.

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