are now over 1.8 billion people using the Internet.
It is inevitable that all members do
business with ICIWorld services unless you have a material defect in your
membership and/or no traffic going to your web site. See
Our Pledge.
One deal or referral pays for a
lifetime of services.
See testimonials, over fifty pages, of how those who have been successful
did it. Details.
There are new cutting edge new services
and ways to use the Internet in a competent and professional manner. Learn
them in:
Webinar Schedule.
Daily webinar workshops are designed to back up
Our Pledge
that every single member makes money or at the very least develops good
business relationships that lead to doing deals and/or referrals a minimum
of every 90 days.
- From the comfort of your own home or business
- Conducted on line on your computer
- Listen by calling in by telephone to a special
number or listen on your computer. We recommend a USB headset if using
your computer.
- All members are invited to attend.
- At this time there are between 2-7 attending
- However we have expanded our services from a maximum of
15 on line at one time to to 1,000 attendees maximum.
- We will be having guest speakers from time to
- Webinars can be made available for your company
to conduct meetings for your sales team, association, company, etc. This
can be done almost on a moments notice. This can be very helpful during
inclement weather, or if people have to travel long distances to attend
meetings. It saves travel time and expense. Try it out anytime.
Available world wide! Contact us.
Designed to:
- back up
Our Pledge
that every single member makes money or at the very least develops good
business relationships that lead to doing deals and/or referrals a
minimum of every 90 days
- sharpen your skills
- enhance your use of the Internet
- show you how to take advantage of the Internet
with information not just listings
- provide the knowledge and tools so you will
have the ultimate in marketing on the Internet
- show you how to save time. Once everything is
setup and working you only have three things to do: log in to your web
site once per month, add your listings and search as needed, promote
your web site.
- advise you about material defects in your
membership the difference between making money and not making money and
fix them
- provide knowledge to help you get traffic to
your web site the difference between making money and not making money

- show you the difference between people who are
benefiting from the Internet and those who are not
- get the tools in place that can work
automatically daily for you
- show you how special links to listings that up
date themselves daily automatically generate revenue for you the rest of
your life
- help you appreciate the power of networking not
just advertising
- provide list of resources, printouts, videos,
and how to find them quickly.
- solve problems, answer any and all questions.
- provide consultation on each and every
membership to ensure it is being used properly
- provide insight to proper placement of Have and
Want information including links in listings that helps to sell the
location of your properties
- provide insight to a properly designed web
site, with listings, with resources
- work on web sites while everyone can see how
and what changes are made, the competitive advantages that all these
services provide
- provide time saving tips
- discuss concepts that are the difference
between doing deals and not doing deals
- discuss how to generate leads that provide
referral dollars and cents
- other items all designed to ensure members are
benefiting and taking full advantage of the Internet
- more.
All in daily Webinars.

See schedule and register.
It is free for
You must register at
least the day before a Webinar. If there are no registrations at least one
day before the Webinar, Webinars are cancelled. If you prefer just to
listen let us know.
Waiting for everyone
to arrive Daily officially starting at 11:00AM - One hour Power Point
ICIWorld 101, followed by a workshop working on all kinds of things,
web sites, adding Haves and Wants, how to search, analyzing memberships,
and much more.
- if you have never attended a webinar you should
begin 30 minutes before the webinar to get in. First timers sometimes
have a problem.
- Mon. Wed. Fri.
Webinars are more Residentially orientated.
See schedule.
- Tues. Thurs.
Webinars are more commercially orientated.
See schedule.
- You must
See schedule
because some days are different with
special monthly Webinars.
See schedule
- Includes web site
We suggest all
first timers get on line by 10:30am for the first time. That way we can
help you. If you do not
make it online in time you will have to register for another day.
- Webinar Workshop

Orientation Workshop ICIWorld 101
Part of Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet
(Since 1994)
by Gary Nusca, CCIM
- Two Major World
Networks - What they are, why needed, how they complement other
marketing services, etc.
Links for all your
web sites; Revenue producing links; Instructions for your web site
designer; Networking links for your whole company and/or franchise;
Link all your web sites together
Good news Bad news -
Bad news Time to setup, printouts, reading, videos, learn the index of
Good news
setup you do not have set up again; once set up things work
automatically updating themselves 24/7 and you do not have to do a thing
. . . Well not quite. Three things you must do:
Log in once per month, To Do List and Handshakes, Add your own listings
and search from time to time, Promote Site the rest of your life
Resources - ICIWorld Training
Videos, Go to Click on Log In Member Management Click on
Training Videos on the Left
Resources - Point 2 Contact customer care Manual and Videos
1-866-977-1777 11am-7pm 7 days per week ICIWorld Bus. 416-840-6227 After
hours weekends 1-416-214-4875
Minimum requirements - Log in to web site minimum once per month To Do
List and Update Handshakes, Add your MLS listings or listings you can
place with minimum 5 photos, Promote your web site the rest of your life
How to design a domain name
and make domain names auto renewal Reasons why.
Brokers report they like the
videos because they answer questions they never thought to ask.
Convenient at any time or hour of the day.
ICIWorld - Mainly commercial,
Residential $750,000 and up Estate, Luxury properties. Log In Member
Management, Log in on the left, Forgot Password get it sent in 3
minutes, Add, modify, delete listings
Subscribe to receive Emails, Private FSBO Area, Training Videos
Information vs Listings -
Information not just listings such as on a real estate board.
Quick survey
Three questions: Will they pay a commission, Will they cover you with a
48 hour exclusive listing once you have a buyer; Is it okay to advertise
it but you are going to do it without the address.
How To Answer I would like
to drive by first whats the address? Suggest you make a statement
something like this: in this particular case we have to put an
agreement in place first, but if you like come to my office next Wed. at
12noon or would 1pm be better, and I will make arrangements for you to
see it. If you have a problem getting the listing signed by the owner,
what do you do?
Everyone should have a minimum
10 Haves and 5 Wants; Print out Have and Wants sheets; Keep them handy
in your briefcase and on your desk; Each one can be worth thousands of
dollars; If you miss placing one you can easily be missing doing a deal
and not even realize it.

Sources of FSBO's - Classified
ads, Drive by, ICIWorld Database 2, Search Google for FSBO Web Sites,
Kijiji, craigslist, Economic Development Agencies. You have the ultimate
in marketing. Information you can not work on real estate boards.
Blackberry and iPhone
Information at your fingertips. Make any link on the Internet a shortcut
icon on your device. or Make a link for buyers. Make a
link for any business category, or city for the latest listings up to
the second. Press it on your Blackberry and see the latest listings
complete with contact names and phones numbers. Any search you can do on
the computer can be set up as an application on your Blackberry or
Save keystrokes the rest of
your life! Use the favourite links bar in Windows Vista or 7. Never type
a web site address again the rest of your life for your top ten web
sites visited daily.
SEO Search Engine Optimization
Google - secret algorithms changing regularly, Attended International
Search Engine Convention, Web site must be relevant to searches made,
Key words, phrases, First Five Basic starter points, Demo pay per click,
Problems Solutions, How To Promote Your Web Site 40 Different ways
video. Lifelong process. Exclusive for Executive Members Only.
Provide one on one
consultation on a members productivity using or why not using ICIWorld
services and solving any issues.
Some of the Best Residential
Questions. Some of the best commercial real estate questions.
Much like a farmer who is busy
daily working on his crops, in the autumn while harvesting he is planting
seeds while harvesting at the same time. Just so is ICIWorld and all the
services we provide. Without them we can easily show real estate
salespeople how they can easily be missing going business with their real
estate license and not even realize it. These webinars will help you take
full advantage of the Internet so that you
maximize your potential to do business.
We started with
Webinar software that allowed up to fifteen attendees. It is so
successful that we have purchased the software to allow us up to 1,000 at
one time. ICIWorld now with 1,000 members. This is where all the
assistance to members is now being provided in order to back up
Our Pledge
that everyone makes money or at the very least develops good business
relationships that leads to doing deals and/or referrals. It becomes
inevitable that everyone does business or you call us.
See Webinar Schedule and
Register It is free for you as a member.
WEBINAR PROBLEMS: If there is a problem
with the Webinar and the Webinar is not conducted successfully by us, we
apologize ahead of time. Please register for the next one on the
next day or another time convenient to you.
(We have had the
odd Internet time out problem while people were on line. We have had the
odd audio problems as well. In these cases the meeting must be cancelled
and then restarted about 10 minutes later. Otherwise simply book in to
another Webinar on another day and sorry for the inconvenience.)
Please do not give
up, this is for your benefit. This is all cutting edge technology
and we too are learning how to make all these tools work as well all for
you on your behalf.
Webinars can be
requested to serve all of your company sales team at a convenient time,
weekends and evenings included.
We appreciate the opportunity to
be of service to you.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, Inc.
416-214-4875 |