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The following are all Windows Media Video
For the Public and
Executive Members
All videos are

Four ways to connect to do a deal
Four Ways To Make A Connection
otherwise you can miss doing a deal and not realize it.
How to use the Links Bar in Internet Explorer to save you time
the rest of your life:
How To Use the Links Bar This
means your favourite searches on ICIWorld, will be only one click away
from producing results on your screen that you can print out along with
contact names and numbers. It is up to the second results daily. If
anyone, members, buyers or sellers would like assistance for this, take
fifteen minutes and jump into a daily
workshop webinar and we will help you set this up. It will save you
time the rest of your life. Instant information at your fingertips.
For Canadian
Commercial Real Estate Brokers and . . .
Real Estate Salespeople who are not
members of ICIWorld.
promotional information video.
For Residential
Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
See video
Resource web site
Make sure you make it full screen by
double clicking on the video to make it larger and to make it smaller if
you are seeing it using windows media player.
Seminars Conducted in Real Estate
For both residential and commercial real estate brokers and
Feb 25,
2012 HomeLife
July 12, 2011
Recorded Webinar
Comments from three who attended:
General Comments: Covered a
wide range of internet based topics, like the free or inexpensive phone
services, good presentation, large amount of info provided
Knowledge of Subject Matter: very knowledgeable, very
knowledgeable, thorough
Relevance to your business: very relevant, very, absolutely useful
for my career
Number of years in the business: 8, 1
Testimonials: well spoken speaker
Feb. 14, 2011Recorded
Dec 13, Mon. 2010
Recorded Webinar
Invite us to do a seminar for your
office. Call Cecil, ICIWorld 416-628-4313.
Seminar Movie
Produced for Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
here to view the
First full length film video recorded
Live - Real Estate On The Internet Produced by, Inc.
Presentation conducted for a Real Estate Board Association,
Technology Day Session.
ICIWorld Video
Training Programs
Designed for Licensed Real Estate
Brokers and Salespeople
Some videos are
for the Private and
Confidential and exclusive use of Executive Members
The following are
are reporting overwhelming support for the training videos.
At one time we produced on line
conference calls where brokers and salespeople from all over the world
called in for a seminar. We have video taped the subject matter of these
conferences for your use.
indicates a video link
Media Player plays videos, music, CDs, DVDs, Internet Radio and ICIWorld
windows media video files. You should not have to load and save the
program before seeing it. It should start loading and play, and continue
playing while loading continuously until finished. It is called "streaming
video." Some programs will try to save the entire file first and then
play. That is okay too if you wish but you will have to wait while it
downloads and then play it.
We recommend:
You study each training video and
have a pad of paper and pencil available to take notes and questions;
Learn how to pause a video! This
will give you time to write your notes and/or questions, go to the
washroom, etc.;
Learn how to maximize and minimize
the video on your screen by simply clicking on the video to maximize it
and, clicking on the video to minimize it;
If you are having any kind of
problem seeing these videos call us now for assistance.
For New
and Renewing Executive Members
ICIWorld 101C Movie 11
Essential for all new and renewing members.
Every member should see this video.
It is the first hour of our regular Daily Webinar
orientation for all Executive Members.
Rather than repeat it daily it is recorded here for your convenience.
Orientation - Your personal record
of information that is placed automatically in every listing.
Orientation My Record
Orientation -
Subscribe to receive Haves and Wants by EMail.
How to Add a Want
to Add a Want.
How to Add a Have Listing
How to Add a Have Listing
Important points to remember: include the four ingredients in the
subject line, location, type, price and/or size, sizzle, only type in
upper and lower case letters not all capital letters, only select the
business area and business categories that your property is located in.
How To Add
Listings (You can print this out)
How To Search Advanced
Search Method for Database 1 and 2.
How to Search Database 1 Haves and Wants placed by Executive Members
How to Search Database 2 For Sale By Owners
How To Search by Message Number Everyone
should have special links on their own web site to listings on ICIWorld.
The listings are specially constructed so that the public has to call
YOU for more information. This means when someone visits YOUR web site
and picks out some listings, they have a message number for you to look
up for them. You need to be able to search ICIWorld by message number.
This is how to do it. To search by Message Number, go to, click on Search
Database 1 Free, click on Message # on the left or click on Search
Database 2 FSBO's, click on Member Access to FSBO Area, then click on
Message #.
Common problems of entering listings. See samples of listings that
are not filled in properly. This means you can easily be missing making
a connection to do a deal and not realize it. Also samples of spamming
business categories, etc. that cause a degradation of the service. This
is easily fixed if you are aware of it.
the Private and Exclusive use of Executive Members members only.
provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Segments 1 to 6 are each about 90
minutes long. All other videos are very short.
Segment 1 Marketing
Plan Concepts and examining a members membership for material defects.
You should have the marketing plan printed out and you can also follow
along with the printed version.
Marketing Plan for Executive Members
(Everyone should print this out)
Version 1
Segment 2 Marketing
Plan - You should have the marketing plan printed out and you can also
follow along with the printed version. This was done using a different
display resolution. We need to know if it is showing properly on your
computer. You can make it full screen when you are playing it. (One way
is to double click right on the picture) Learn how to pause and
continue. You could open another browser window and be doing the actions
being taught and then flip back to the video and continue. Learn the
shortcuts on your keyboard to do that. I use the alt key and the tab
Marketing Plan for Executive Members
(Everyone should print this out)
Version 2
Segment 2
with interaction with student real estate salespeople
We would like to know, do you like
version 1 or version 2 better. They are the same material but in version
2 you can hear the attendees.
Segment 3 Searching
Database 1 and 2, entering information, how to place photos, key word
searching, EMail List Services, linking - one of the true powers of the
Version 2
Segment 3
with interaction with student real estate salespeople
We would like to know, do you like
version 1 or version 2 better. They are the same material but in version
2 you can hear the attendees.
Segment 4 Web Site
Workshop For Members only. Members should go
to click on Log
In Member Management, click on Training videos
Segment 5 How To Promote Your Web
Site For Members only Members should go to click on Log In
Member Management, click on Training videos
Member Tuneup
(You should print this out)
Segment 6 Information Tune-Up You can not hear attendees speaking Single
voice, clear sound.
Segment 6 Information Tune-up. You can hear attendees speaking. Would
appreciate your opinion of the sound.
We are using different techniques with all segments. Is a. or b.
preferable for future recordings?
Domain Names For Members only
Members should go to
click on Log In Member Management, click on Training videos
The whole goal of these videos is to
provide you with a major competitive edge in the market place. We do not
share this information with non members.
We also want to get the standard web
site producing for you so that you appreciate the power of these web
sites. Then you should consider upgrading to the Professional web site
which provides more features and opportunities to make money in your
services to the public.
Here are the
differences between a standard web site and professional web sites and
Click here for a summary. You can try the Professional Web Site for
two weeks free.
We appreciate your comments and
feedback on these videos,
1) Be patient for the video to start,
it needs a short time to buffer
2) I suggest you choose open rather than save the video;
3) Learn how to pause the video;
4) Learn how to double click on the video to make it full screen or
minimize it;
5) You will need speakers to listen as well as a windows computer to watch
the video.
It is a windows media file. Your feed
back is requested.
What is important to help us develop
the video services is not the topic but whether the videos and sound works
on your computer. This will become the format for many training videos on
your behalf and we need to know this format works for you. There is a lot
of configuration involved to set this up and we do not want to make a lot
of videos that do not work.
Your feedback would be appreciated
about the format and suggested topics as well.
This will help us determine the best
format for all members.
Could you let us know by way of a
short EMail note if it works or if it does not work and any other
suggestions, comments or questions you may have.
Thank you.
