Results 1 to 11 of 11

424529Ingersoll [2 Hrs drive to Toronto], 4000 sqft Retail space, next to Canadain Tire, $18/sf, Vacant, Great use for Dollar Store, Appliance Store, Back Door
3809231. Ingersoll, ON - Semi Detached on both sides as Student Rental - $600,000 for both Semi's - Total of 10 bedrooms and 5 washrooms **MAKING $$$**
308692Ingersoll, (20 Minutes to London) 2 Storey home $214,900 3 large bedrooms, $11,000 downpayment $965 monthly PI, attach 1 car garage, private fenced backyard.
304640HAVE Ingersoll, Victorian 4 bedroom home, Oxford Street, 319900.00, Large Lot with barn and 2 car garage.
302207Wanted Ingersoll Woodstock Multi Unit Apt 3-30 units $50K-$1M+, have the money.
302206Wanted. Ingersoll/Woodstock Multi-Units (2plex plus) and or Apartment Bldgs. 180K -1M plus.
201823SW ontario-Ingersoll, light industrial, showroom with warehouse, over 5000 sq ft-ONLY $389,000. Excellent building.
129849Ingersoll - Commercial Building for sale. 300 sqft main floor rented. 2nd floor residential with 2 apartments. 53-603
129848Ingersoll - Building and land. Finished offices, lunch room, natural light, outside storage, security, showroom, alarm system. 30 Parking spaces. 51-494
129846Ingersoll - Fully rented with 4 tenants. 3 commercial, 1 residential until December 2006. Good commercial exposure with lots of parking. 52-264
125477Classic old office building on Main Street Ingersoll. Main floor office with 2nd floor apartment and full basement. 52-471