Moderator Positions available in every state, province, country and city of the world

You will be building a community of people with a like minded interest in commercial real estate.

One of the most exciting services on the Internet has been ICIWorld. 

Brokers and salespeople have been able to network with the public in the most inexpensive and fastest way in the world today. 

We think many free services are expensive because they waste a lot of time.  It is time that is most valuable. 

If you do not reach your market quickly you waste your time. 

Some sites have only a few people visiting.

On other sites your information may not be placed in an effective manner.

Still others do not even know how business can be done.  On ICIWorld hundreds of deals are done.  We share with new members how they are getting done.  Most brokers on this service once they have learned how to do one deal are already into multiple deals.  Some have made as much as $50,000 commissions with two hours work. 

The benefits to the public are enormous.  It literally gives families, boards of directors, developers and more opportunities for success. 

The convenience, time saving, and efficiency of information handling has never been better for a whole industry.  It is time tested and is working in communities now.  It is just a case now of sharing it with the world.  Moderators will be instrumental in bringing this to the rest of the world.

We have test marketed a moderator position.  

It is working great! 

This is a person who can work as much or as little time as he/she wants to, but at the very least one hour per day.  We are very comfortable with people who have had extensive experience in any kind of business and it does not have to be real estate.

If a person is in real estate then there will be some added advantages because of the ability to trade in real estate. 


  • To build communities of people to trade in ICI Real Estate in every area of the world.

  • To build a Have and Want Commercial Real Estate EMail Distribution Database.

  • To build a community of people interested in doing business in commercial real estate.


In your community, in every state, province, city and country of the world.


  • Contact people personally.

  • Introduce them to the service by providing a Free Service - The EMailing of Haves and Wants that can make them make a connection that will help them make money and help them serve their clients well.

  • Explain the DIGEST Method.  Instead of receiving 25 separate and individual emails of every have and want, you receive only one email but with up to 25 Haves and Wants in it.

  • Qualifying their interest, Leasing versus Buying and Selling. 

  • Briefly explaining choices and specialties.

  • Specialties can be by key word.

  • Specialties can be any of three types of leasing - Retail, Office, Industrial or receive all three.

  • Specialties can be by location for country, or state, or city, and region.

  • Receiving feedback on new lists that would prove useful in every community in the world.

  • Entering their email address and business card information if available in the database on the  Internet.

  • Should average about 100 per week.


  • Building a sphere of influence to do business.  For real estate people this can not be over estimated. 

  • A per diem is available for the right individuals in every community.

  • Having fun dealing with people.

  • Being part of a growing world service on the Internet.

  • Learning real world, modern day, technology, software, computer and communication skills.

  • If you have a sincere desire to build something very special in your area, this is it.

  • Upon demonstration over a 3-6 month time period of time of success, it is possible to talk about revenue sharing on the continuing work you do to get new and help renewing members in an area.  

  • Training - This opportunity is a separate opportunity.  There are several concepts which every member who joins should know about. We teach that directly from our offices.  However this position will become available in each community as well.  There is a per diem on this as well.

  • Sales - There are positions for Marketing in every area.  There is remuneration available for this.  This person can do it two ways:  1. simply supply the lead to us and receive a fee and a bonus when someone joins;  2. or as a marketing person one can demonstrate and sign up people and receive remuneration.


  • Retired and semi-retired people are very welcome.

  • People who enjoy talking on the phone and dealing with people.

  • Service orientated people.

  • It should be a fun interest to keep people busy and provides a very real service.

  • I believe average age of our members is 30-70 with most in the 40-60 range.


  • In absolutely every area of the world.

  • Newspaper classified ads in the industrial, commercial and investment real estate pages.

  • Owners, developers, real estate people in the yellow pages of the phone book.

  • Lists of real estate people from real estate boards and commercial real estate councils, chapters, etc.

  • The internet, search commercial real estate.

  • We will help to get you going.  There is much business for everyone.


  • Must have computer and Internet access.

  • Must have telephone separate from computer access.

  • A sincere desire to serve people.

  • Reliable and dependable for at least one hour per day.

  • Must get along with others.

  • Interested in people who can have fun keeping busy like this for a long term.

  • Must have excellent phone presence.

Business experience most helpful.

Certified Commercial Investment Member designation or someone in the CCIM program.

You do not have to be in real estate to be a moderator.  From your home office we can teach you to be successful and there is no investment required. 

If you are in real estate there are some major advantages however.

If you are interested and think you can be of benefit please do not hesitate, contact us now.

Our goal is to circulate information on behalf of the members who place it on behalf of their clients to make the best connections in the world to do business and serve their customers the best.

It is a win win situation for everyone.

Gary Nusca, CCIM
The Market ICI World Commercial Real Estate Network
Contact information.