You can continue on this site if you wish.
One note of change on the new site: After you login on the new Log In Member Management Page, you will need to click the back button twice after logging in. Then make choices. Do this after entering your information each time ie: hit the back button twice.
If you use the shortcut bar on your browser to go to ICIWorld change it to the new website instead of All assistance for members is on the Log In Page at numbers 1-11.
We maintain this older version here because some members prefer to use it,
Most all policies are the same, Membership, Unlimited Networking, ICIWorld App, IDX Links for your website, etc.
Re: Mobile phone users: Add as a shortcut to your mobile phone. Some prefer it over the ICIWorld App. Install the App AND add a shortcut to Use both and let us know which one you like. The shortcut has access to all the information on the website.
Please use Zoom Meeting unless there is a problem. (As of June 21, 2022)
10 minutes before your appointment time click on Webinar Workshop. Call 416-214-4875 for any issues connecting within 3 minutes of your time. |
Global Internet Marketing and Daily Real Estate Networking 24/7 Since 1994.
Real Estate Listings initially displayed are always less than 90 days old.
Two Searchable Databases.
40,000+ Contacts to do Business,
40,000+ unique IP addresses (estimated people) per month.
Each member has 200 - 1,000+ contacts to do business.
For the highest, best price and terms, make sure you include ICIWorld in your marketing plans, otherwise you are missing out on one of the leargest proven markets in the world for marketing real estate and business opportunities.
Add Haves and Wants to the:
Other pages to be added including Residential.

2021 Introducing the most comprehensive set of Global Real Estate Real-Time EMail List Servers for Brokers to Serve the Public and The Real Estate Industry Worldwide over 300 to choose from.
Receive One EMail per day for commercial or residential or both with the new listings, Haves and Wants, 50% to 75% exclusive real estate opportunities.
Details. |

- Ask us to do a Webinar for your real estate office, board or association. Just need a date and time.
- Comments of attendees (pdf file).
- It is one thing to have information technology. It is quite another to apply it in the real estate business. Over 25 years of experience working with brokers.
- Webinar content (pdf file).
- Bill Gates "Information @the speed of thought." Applied to the real estate business. May we help you take advantage of it? It provides more choice to the public and income for you.
Includes 25 years of experience utilizing the tools of the Internet that help brokers make money.
For all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in the world.
How to work exclusive real estate in a competent and professional manner to serve the public.
- Every broker can have every other brokers Have and Want opportunities on their own website. Provide this world service from your own website in a way that YOU get the leads.
- How to have a minimum of fifteen Haves and Wants, all less than 90 days old, working 24/7 on the Internet where there are 5+ billion people.
- Learn how to recognize important information that can make you money.
- How and why important to have a marketing plan to increase traffic to your website.
- How to make your life easier by getting your information to do the work!
- How to do business by 5 PM today.
Sharing this information with you. See testimonials. Unbelievable ROI's for an investment in a membership. Proven money maker for brokers. |
For New and Renewing Members
For All Members Once Per Year
For Any Member who may not be making money or generating leads every 90 days.
Make an appointment for assistance and to get you through our updated annual checklist for success.

All Executive Members must get through numbers 1 - 10 to ensure you are taking advantage of the tools, making connections and doing business every three months.

Order the IDX Links (Widgets) for your website.
It is absolutely inevitable that ever single member generate leads from their website with the IDX Links from ICIWorld otherwise you have little or no traffic to your website.
The links are structured so that YOU get the leads. Thousands to choose from. If you are not generating any leads ask us for one of our programs, How To Generate Traffic For My Website.
For All Executive Members
1. Orientation (Video) Print Out PDF File. Essential. This is like a pilots checklist for all members, you miss one item and you can be missing doing deals, miss making $30,000 to $50,000 and more. |
2. How To Place a Want (Video) GTA or 1 hr.. to Toronto, etc. is not good enough. Learn how to do it properly using geographic limitations by city, East, West, North and South. How to select multiple areas. If you miss one city you can miss making $50,000. |
3. How to Place a Have (Video) (html) Learn some of the fine points. How to sell the location of your properties, link to photos, virtual tours, videos, with the Internet links box, and more. |
4. Four Webinars Videos Includes How To Promote Your Website, Orientation, How to Work Exclusive Real Estate to help you get to a minimum of fifteen real estate Have and Want opportunities or you are missing opportunities to make money. |
5. ICIWorld GO TO STAGE!! Videos. It is one thing to have technology. It is quite another thing to know how to apply technology. How to check for buyers daily, focus on what they want, talk to owners today who have those kinds of properties and ask they special questions. Technology that holds the information but you have to use it daily otherwise you are missing doing deals and not realize it. |
6. ICIWorld Educational You Tube Channel Videos. Seminars conducted in real estate offices and real estate boards. Test, ready set go! Can you produce the latest listings now within 3-5 seconds on your phone for any kind of property? Can you produce a list of buyers to show people how well connected you are into todays buyers and what they are looking for? Can you do a key word search within 7 seconds?
ICIWorld's Vimeo Channel |
7. Social Media, ICIWorld International Newspaper, Like, Follow, Subscribe, Connect, etc. When you subscribe to the newspaper, it comes out every Saturday morning. You can send articles to your social media! And not you can add your Haves and Wants to our FACEBOOK ICIWORLD COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE PAGE.
8. See ICIWorld Global Mail List Servers above. Subscribe. Members can subscribe to the FSBO Area. Subscribe to receive listings once per day called a DIGEST. Popular ones are for your province or state for commercial, and a general region or area for residential. But there are also specialty EMail List Servers, by key words, by business category.
9. Order the IDX Links Widgets for YOUR website. Make your website a global portal to the world listings, Haves and Wants. Provides more choice for the public and more opportunities for you to earn revenue. You will not send people to ICIWorld to look for exclusive real estate. You send them to your own website. If a prospect sees a listing, they have to call YOU for more information. As long as you are a member they have to call you because they cannot click on the message number. Details about the widgets with sample websites. Absolutely inevitable to trigger leads. Unless you have little to no traffic to your website. There is a solution. Order the Widgets. See fifty sample websites with Exclusive as a choice on the menu of their website. Other brokers have chosen to have the exclusives as a choice under Residential and Commercial separate. It is one instruction by EMail to your website designer to get it working. The next person who visits your website, sees a listing, has to call you. Trigger referrals and direct business.
This is an Internet Portal to global listings, Haves and Wants shared by other brokers in the world. Your website is like a store. Add products and services to your store . . . your website. We believe every broker and salesperson in the world should have it. It is like classifed ads on your website in a way that you get the calls. All from other brokers sharing their information. MLS does it with signed listings. we do it with information in a special way. Trigger referrals and direct business.
10. No Website? No problem. Turn key websites in one hour as little as $16.50. It will be a great regular website that is also mobile so customers can put it on their phone as a shortcut. It looks like an App! Uses no resources. See sample websites from different companies. See fifty sample websites. Order one today. Make an appointment for a demonstration. Part of our Retired Brokers Program, Would you mind doing the odd five minute referral that makes you $3,000 to $10.000 while you are retired? Referral Brokers Program. Complete assistance to get it working for you. Trigger referrals and direct business. |

See ICIWorld Global IDX Link Widgets.
See fifty sample websites with Exclusive IDX Link Widgets on the menu.
Order them today.
They are included in an Executive Membership.
All real estate brokers and salespeople in the world can add these listings to their own website. Your website is like a store. You can add products and services to serve the public. |
Make YOUR Website A Portal to the World Listings, Real Estate Have and Want Opportunities.
The listings Haves and Wants from the other brokers trigger leads for you from YOUR website!
Order them from us and we send the instructions to you to forward to your website designer. DONE! All website design companies install them. They are IDX links.The very next person who visits your website and sees a listing has to call you!
Other brokers worldwide have agreed to share their listings, Have and Want opportunities to be on your website.
You can agree or not agree to allow your listings, Haves and Wants to appear on thousands of other broker websites.
Each broker member website becomes a portal to display the world listings from all the other brokers in the world.
Ultimately all brokers in the world can present all the othe;r exclusive opportunities in the world that can not be placed on MLS.
You provide MLS on your website the best way to market listings. And now you can provide the world real estate listings, Haves and Wants that are not on real estate boards.
Absolutely inevitable to generate leads. Why? Because you get the leads!
And it is great for the industry because there is more choice for the public and brokers protect and help the public. |
No member should go longer than 90 days without either doing a deal or at the very least triggering leads that you feel will lead to doing a deal someday otherwise call us and give us a chance to help. We have the experience and tools that make things work for every single member.
There are 5+ billion people using the Internet.
ICIWorld was the first real estate information service on the Internet in 1994.
Measure your membership every 90 days. Every member here makes connections to do business every 90 days or make an appointment with us.
If you have not made $100,000 to date or more Make an appointment with us. |
Members Referral Program Refer a friend, colleague, another real estate broker or salesperson to check out ICIWorld global networking technology tools and assistance. If they join, you receive a 25% discount on your yearly renewal and an additional three months for each additional one.
ALL MEMBERS SHOULD REQUEST THE LINK IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT. And if they use your link to join, your friends and colleagues can join for $240 for the first year plus three months.
LOOK IN THE LEFT-HAND GREEN COLUMN FOR "MY REFERRALS." It keeps track of who joined using your link. |
Measure your success every 90 days.
There are 4.6 billion people out here on the Internet where we are.
See some of the testimonials.
- These were all exclusive real estate opportunities that led to doing deals.
- Proof positive everyone has an opportunity to connect and do business.
Another interesting stat, the largest sale on the largest real estate board in Canada was $28M in a recent year. Members of ICIWorld have now done two deals over $50M and one over $30M. We simply say to include this service in your marketing plans for the year or you can be missing doing deals and not realize it. |
Global Assistance by Appointment
For all members and demonstrations for new prospective members, absolutely no obligation to join.
It is usually a one time setup. That's it! We recommend this appointment a minimum of once per year for every single Executive Member. If you need more simply make an appointment. A website will require a separate hour to be up and running. All a one time setup.
Make an appointment To be conducted over the Internet. 6am-5pm daily, Monday to Friday. Other times added on demand when we get fifty people joining at once such as from a conference.
Sit in front of your computer 10 minutes before your time, go to and click on Webinar Workshops (at the top). Any issues call 416-214-4875. Call within one minute of your appointment time. This time belongs to you. Please cancel or change your appointment if you can not make it so we can conduct appointments with others.
It is like a doctors office, operating every hour on the hour, helping new and renewing members maximize the placing of listings, Haves and Wants, websites, widgets of listings for websites, real estate concepts that are making brokers money and more.
- Do you have fifteen opportunities all less than 90 days old working?
- are you searching the new listings daily on your phone within 3-5 seconds?
- how to install the App and search your phone within 3 seconds for new listings.
- how to get your mobile website onto the phones of all your customers.
- are you checking to see what buyers are looking for?
- Do you approach owners in your area that own that type of property to ask them if they would consider selling?
- do you know the three special questions to work exclusive real estate?
- do you have the widgets on your website to trigger leads?
- are you promoting your website? More. We have a special checklist to go through with you that takes minutes to do and can be all the difference in the world from experience of helping 1,000+ brokers and salespeople.
- answering all your questions. Bring them all to the meeting.
Stay up to date by connecting with us on social media. Always a reminder to check the new buying and selling opportunities in the marketplace and give you ideas for your next transaction. |
Face book All members should follow, etc. to stay connected. Use this as reminders for you to network real estate information. |
Twitter All members should follow, etc. to stay connected. Use this as a reminder to keep your listing up to date less than 90 days old. |
You Tube All members should click on Subscribe. |
Linked In Use this also as a reminder to network information that can make you money. ICIWorld keeps your information working 24/7. Marketing is a lot like fishing, if you do not put your line in the water you have no chance to put food on the table. |
And subscribe to: ICIWorld's International Real Estate Newspaper and
Digest to receive listings daily, one email with the new listings, Haves and Wants in it. Be the first to know about real estate coming for sale, what buyers are looking for.
- Please do subscribe if you are in Ontario for either GTA Commercial or Ontario Commercial and GTA Residential and give us your feedback. List servers for the rest of the world to be built, ie: all USA States, Canada Provinces, Countries of the world. AND . . . on request by you who we serve. Lists by professional designation, group, etc. IE: all members of your group, association, company, professional designation can subscribe to receive email of your group, association, company, professional designation, etc.
- We are starting them back up. Over 200 EMail List Servers for the world to be built over the this next year.
- Details
Everyone of your prospects, clients, family members, should have YOUR mobile website as a shortcut on their mobile phone!
If not, you are missing out.
How to do it?
Make an appoinment.
It is Realtors With Technology that succeed. Get your mobile website onto the phone of all your customers.
- No website? No problem! ICIWorld distributes websites.
- Turn key solutions!
- As little as free for 30 days then $16.50/mo. if you wish to keep it. Includes website design and setup ready to generate leads. AND . . . more powerful than a $30,000 website. See why.
- And once setup it works automatically updating daily in real time.
- Make an appointment for a presentation and to have a website up and running within one hour free for a month.
- If you already have a website, simply order the Widgets.
- Video How To Promote Your Website

Request a Webinar for your office or real estate board.
Everyone who chooses can attend from their computer in their own home office.
See details of a seminar and Webinar PDF file you can print out and circulate. Includes contact to order a seminar or Webinar.
ICIWorld seminars and Webinars can teach and train real estate brokers and salespeople how to work exclusive real estate.
This opens up a whole new world of making money for all real estate salespeople in the world. These testimonials are from members making money with exclusive real estate information that was not on real estate boards. And it now applies to residential as well as commercial.
And this seminar includes technology tools, how to promote your website, how to do business by 5pm today, how to add listings to your website that generates leads, how to get your sales peoples mobile websites onto the phones of all their customers, and much more.
See other seminars conducted.
See written comments of attendees of many seminars.
With today's health concern, we are recommending a Webinar for your office. You supply a date and time. We send you an email with a link to click on fifteen minutes before the time. You send this link to everyone who is a registered real estate broker and salesperson in your office. Even new people thinking of joining. This means everyone can attend from home. They can listen in and ask questions. You can also have someone present it in your boardroom for the people who wish to attend at your office.
Everyone who registers can receive a copy of the recording after the event. We supply you with an MP4 copy or link to a You Tube recording so you can place it in the resource section of your website.
You can run a recording seminar for your staff as well. See ICIWorld's You Tube Channel It will take you to You Tube. See the first five videos and the one conducted for the Oakville and Milton Real Estate Board. These videos apply for every area on the planet earth.
Also we have a Gotomeeting Channel
We are trying to do what we can to share knowledge with the real estate industry of concepts that are all on the cutting edge of technology that are make the industry money and doing the highest sales in Canada and the world.
Someday for all the people who would like this designed better it will be done. At the moment it is just brokers like myself sharing this with the html knowledge we know. Believe me, it will be a lot more expensive when hiring the slick designers. The system database is the same no matter what the design, so bear with us. You can see other design changes below with other websites. |
Time is Money There only two things you do on ICIWorld once you are up and running.
1. 3 sec. to 2 min. Search on your phone periodically and make connections. It takes a few seconds to see the newest listings, make connections to do deals. Otherwise one can be missing doing deals and not realize it. (Add the ICIWorld App to your phone.)
2. 1-10 minutes periodically to reach the world to Add , Modify, Mark Sold, Delete Haves and Wants periodically. Everyone should get their information working 24/7. Otherwise you can be missing making money and not realize it. Every member should have a minimum of fifteen real estate Haves and Wants working on the Internet 24/7 for you. If not, learn how to work exclusive real estate opportunities in the above videos. Modify your listings to keep them less than 90 days old. Two clicks. All listings, Haves and Wants should be less than ninety days old otherwise they are not displayed on thousands of mobile phones and websites displaying your listings on ICIWorld mobile websites and iPhone and Android Apps and computers and distributed by EMail to thousands.
That's it for ICIWorld, make connections show property make money. |
The same great activity and networking year after year.
ICIWorld has had one of the busiest booths at these shows.
- All Realtors in the world are invited each year at the end of May.
- No where can you see so many products and services in one day as you can all year long.
- Make sure you come by and say hello at one of the busiest booths at the show ICIWorld.
- You must be a Realtor to attend.
- Non TREB Members pay $25.
One reason why we are so busy is we make a statement that you can have a $30,000 website and it is not as powerful as the websites we provide from ICIWorld for $16.50. Another are the Widgets that every broker in the world should have for Exclusive on their website. And of course working exclusive real estate opportunities that is making brokers thousands of dollars. |
Video How to Use the Favourites Bar to save keystrokes the rest of your life.
SSL Certificates and making your website secure.
By the end of 2020 everyone must have an SSL certificate on your website or Google will be giving a warning to people it could be unsafe. This is not good for your business. Make sure your website has an SSL certificate and can type https:// etc.
- Everyone should check out their websites now. If you can type https://www and the name of your website you are okay.
- If they do not work we must add the s to the http of every link to ensure they work. ie: https
- All of the Internet is going through this change now. (March/2020)
ICIWorld Executive Membership is designed to be able to become free for life once you join.
See details membership becomes Free Once You Join
- discounts that can total way more than the price of a membership
- refer someone to join
- trigger referral opportunities from YOUR website with the ICIWorld Links to Listings
- make money trigger leads for your Haves and Wants. Do direct business and/or referrals.
The Internet Security and Protection Page
We would appreciate your feedback after you have gone through this page. Sent an email to gary @ (I leave spaces on purpose so scammers can not scrape my email address. You will have to type it in your email program.)
Be careful of all your email especially the ones that look legitimate because these scammers are getting smarter and smarter. |
For Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople . . . Worldwide.
for the cost . . . of one ad . . . in a newspaper . . . for one day. Real estate networking on all computers, mobile devices, phones with people locally and . . . in 138 countries. Unlimited ads . . . unlimited networking . . . ALL YEAR LONG.
Training and Orientation For Executive Members World Wide
Get your information doing the work 24/7 automatically . . . while you do other things.
Most all of the following is a one time setup and read through.
- Log In On the Left in the green column with the red diamonds.
Change your password,
Modify your record,
Reasons to Renew, Renewal Invoice USA/World | Renewal Invoice Canada | Renewal Invoice, Add Haves and Wants, My Listings (Modify, Delete), Latest World Commercial, Latest World Residential
Logging In to Instructions (PDF file you can print) Orientation Video
Orientation Video
- Go to and see Search. Learn the different search tools. Find the one or more that works best for you. If you can not find a buyer or seller within 60 seconds on your phone or on a computer give us a call and we will show you how. How fast can you tell me how many listings there are in Toronto? On your mobile phone! If you can not do it within 60 seconds or less, you fail. Call us and we will help.
- Learn How To Work Exclusive Information A video. The Three Questions, 12 minutes long. You are no longer restricted to making money with just a real estate board. Now you can do both. This expands your opportunities to do business. ICIWorld is a Real Estate Information Listing Service. Make money with information not just listings on a real estate board. ICIWorld operating since 1994.
We recommend all members have a minimum of fifteen Have and Want opportunities to generate leads and showings within 90 days of joining.
You might only have one or two listings on a real estate board, but it is so easy to have information working for you. Call anytime to chat. See the testimonials of members doing deals that were started on ICIWorld not on a real estate board. Yes all members advertise their real estate board listings as well because of the world marketing exposure.
It has helped some members make $50,000 within three months of learning them.
- All Executive Members should review videos 2-7 in the Training Videos on the left. It includes the How To Place a Want properly, How to Place a Have properly. Your information is instantly on the Internet and reaches up to 40,000+/- over this next month. Renew your listings every 30-60 days and never let them go more than 90 days old. See Video #17 Domain Names, Videos #15 How To Promote Your Website.
- You Tube Video Five Ways to Generate Leads.
Resources on ICIWorld include our Educational You Tube Channel. Recordings of Seminars, Webinars, etc.
If you have missed any of our seminars, here is what is included. Includes a review of concepts of information services and how it is inevitable that they work for every single licensed real estate person in the world. Of importance and benefit for all registered real estate salespeople in the world. Yes it is 52 minutes but it is a culmination of money making ideas, concepts developed over the last 20 years helping brokers and salespeople make money using the powers of the Internet. All this developed by a broker from a brokers point of view with input and feedback and input from brokers all to benefit the public using the powers of the Internet. There are unique services and content here that are not available on any other service in the world.
- Do your searches from all mobile devices. a) On your phone, open an Internet browser and go to Then, add it to you home screen.
b) Also add the App to your Android or iPhone. Search iciworld in the App or Play Store, install it.
In both of the above cases you will have the following choices on your mobile phone! Learn how to search the latest of anything you want by city, by key word, by category, by the latest residential or commercial buyers or exclusive properties coming for sale, etc.
Search with commercial real estate key words
Search with residential key words
NOTICE FOR MEMBERS: Make sure your listings, Haves and Wants are less than 90 days old or they do not show up on the ICIWorld Apps World Wide.
- ICIWorld WIDGETS - Internet Real Estate
Lead Generation
This is a one time setup. You simply forward the instructions that we send to you by EMail, you forward them to your website designer. DONE. They work automatically updating themselves daily with new listings. Customers have to call you for more information on any listing, Have or Want.
See sample websites with ICIWorld Widgets
Instructions for your website designer You will need your member identifier as well as your log in id both available on your member record.
Make sure the ICIWorld Widgets are working on your website. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING EXCEPT INSTALL THE LINKS ON YOUR WEBSITE! We send the links to you by EMail. It is absolutely inevitable that you generate leads unless you have little or not traffic to your website;
They go on all real estate broker and salesperson websites in the world tailored for you and your area.
They are unique from ICIWorld in the marketplace because 75% of the information is not on real estate boards!!!
Grow your business with ICIWorld Widgets. Because they contain links to listings that engage your audience to call you.
Like sparkplugs are for a car . . . ICIWorld Widgets are sparkplugs for all real estate websites. The moment they are installed, the very next person who sees a listing, Have or Want has to call YOU for more information. Do referrals and direct business! It is inevitable that every single member generate leads unless you have no or little traffic to your website.
Links include residential, commercial, power of sales, waterfront, hotels, million dollar homes, that generate leads. Everyone agrees it is absolutely inevitable to generate leads for ever single member!
Take the monthly program How To Promote Your Website every single month until you are generating leads! See Webinars and Register
ICIWorld Widgets generate leads for every single member!
There are specialized links that are totally different for each and every member based on geographic area of the world that you work in and the specialties that you want to highlight. If you do not have these links you are missing out and do not realize it!
Mobile Websites. This is new Internet Revolution in Real Estate and Real Estate
Lead Generation
This is one time 60 minute setup conducted in a Webinar Workshop over the Internet while talking with you on the phone. You will be giving us direction and vice versa. Websites are free for one month then $16.50 per month if you want to keep it. Most all do.
The Race Is On Get all your customers to put YOUR website on THEIR mobile phone as a shortcut. That way whenever they or their friends and family talk real estate, they use your mobile website as a resource and call you to see real estate. DO THIS BEFORE YOUR COMPETITION DOES IT.
ORDER WEBSITE HERE Free for one month. Complete turn key set up and includes teaching how to use it, how to promote your website, customizing, widgets and more.
Websites See Samples
These websites are more powerful than a $30,000 web site because of the content that triggers leads, namely listings, MLS, exclusive, commercia, residential from three major world networks, not just one real estate board. And they can be programmed to send out new listing alerts.
Make sure you have a Mobile Website the new revolution in lead generation Websites (includes mobile website!!!) are free for one month then $199/year if you want to keep it. (Works out to $16.50/mo.) We totally set it up for you. It is totally customizable by you. If you do not have one, shame on you. Your customers will love them! You will be sending people to YOUR website to search MLS such as TREB MLS, exclusive listings, commercial, residential, color photos, slide show displays, and much more. People from all over the world can bring YOUR website up on THEIR MOBILE PHONE. They can search and then call you for a listing they want to see. We stock it with automatic links that update daily with new listings and you do not have to do a thing . . . except promote your website.
- How To Promote Your Website - Video See it now.
Register and if you can not make it, a copy of the recording will be sent to you by EMail after the event.
What good is a website if you have no traffic to your website!
Register every month until you are generating leads!
This Monthly Live Webinar teaches real estate brokers and salespeople what they can do to generate traffic to their website. All in the world are invited. You are lucky because it is real estate that provides the highest return on Investment on the Internet. One lead can make you a lot of money. Learn how to generate leads the rest of your life and for some just do referrals the rest of your life which are averaging $3,000-$10,000. If you visit our You Tube channel below you will find recorded videos on How To Promote Your Website.
LISTEN TO RECORDING How To Promote Your Website Recording.
How to Choose a domain name.
- Assistance provided world wide by way of 60 minute one on one Webinar Workshops by appointment. Daily 6am-4pm Toronto New York Miami time. USA 954-317-2327 Canada 416-840-6227 416-214-4875 after hours and weekends. Conducted on the Internet with you while you are in front of your computer.
Measure Your Success
On ICIWorld with: Our Pledge and . . . solutions if you are not making money or generating leads every 90 days!
Material Defects
See others who are doing it now! See testimonials. Every single member should have a testimonial or call us and give us a chance to help.

- For an overview of ICIWorld, How to Work Exclusive Information and the power of the tools on this page, listen to our recorded Webinars and seminars.
Understanding and How to Use the Powers of the Internet.
Seminar for your real estate office, group, board, association, etc. Make sure you see comments of past attendees.
Also available on You Tube Sort for latest date. Just supply a date, time and place. It is all about using ICIWorld and the Powers of the Internet for Networking and Lead Generation
- Sponsorship Program Sponsor a member and your renewal can be $240 rather than $319 . . . AND . . . the new member can join for $240 for one year. All people you refer just have to mention your name and your renewal is $240 and each additional person you refer we add 3 months on to your membership. Refer 4 and receive a year free. AND . . . the new person joining can join for one year at $240 and save.
- Instructions for your web site designer to install revenue producing links ICIWorld Widgets for all your web sites! Absolutely inevitable to trigger leads from every brokers and salespersons website that has them. Do referrals and direct business. Worldwide. Members must check the links on your website regularly, ie: once per month, to make sure they are working properly. Changes such as SSL Certificates may necessitate changes in the links we have provided such as adding an s to http to make it https Make an appointment with us if you are not sure. New updated mobile residential widget now available. (January 2018)
NOTICE: SSL Certificates
If your website is using https then you must change all the ICIWorld links to https to work.
ICIWorld has an SSL Certificate available for members who are using SSL on their websites.
You must change all your ICIWorld Widget links to ICIWorld from http:// to https://
If you have an SSL Certificate on your website, you must check all the ICIWorld Widget Links on your website. You must change them to https:// from http:// or the links will not work. All members were supplied the links without the s. Some people are getting the ssl certificate and others are not.
If your website address uses https:// in your website address, then you must change the links from ICIWorld and add the s
Make an appointment.
- Reference Startup Video,
This is what we cover on your first 30 minute orientation session. See on You Tube | WMV file Monthly Checklist for Executive Members
Maximize your opportunities to make money. Table of Contents Any problems, Just Ask
- Principals Only
- Statistics
- Sometimes legitimate mail gets marked as Spam. Here is how to fix it. Details from Google
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There always are suggestions and recommendations that members say they appreciate and that they did not know before. This is even amongst experienced members. And in this business, just one idea can make one a lot of money.
Many are surprised of things they did not know that can help them generate revenue.
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