Since 1994
Contact us free
world wide.
1-877-272-1721 North America Anytime
What is ICIWorld?
Who can join?
Reasons To Join/Renew
It is absolutely inevitable that
every single member does business or you call us!
See Our Pledge.
Daily Webinar Workshops world wide support Our Pledge.
Tour of our Data
Center in San Jose, California.
Our goal is to help
every real estate salesperson connect to do referrals and/or direct
Why should all real estate brokers
and salespeople in the world subscribe to the ICIWorld service bureau?
Designed for all
real estate brokers and salespeople in the world to serve the public.
It is one major tool to include in your "brokers information tool box."
Hi tech . . . low cost.
One of the largest web sites in the
world for the marketing and networking of real estate information.
Designed to remove the high cost of
advertising and networking by providing unlimited world wide networking .
. . easy.
Just one tip can help you make a lot of
money. There are hundreds of concepts, ideas and tips to help you.
Here is one "we show you how to sell
advertising on your web site!"
It just paid for itself!
There are hundreds of sound tips to help you!
It is just one important tool that all licensed real estate salespeople in
the world should have as a marketing tool. Without it you do not have the
advantage that some of your competitors have. Stay up to date with the
latest Internet marketing tools.
It is only $240 per year and we have people
making hundreds of thousands of dollars.
See the largest number of
testimonials of any service on the Internet. See
Provide one of the best services and provide this
marketing exposure for your clients and prospects. Otherwise you are
missing out.
"You can sell one ad on a web site that we supply to
you as a member and it will make you a profit. We show you how. So
it is not the cost of membership because to every member the service
enables you to provide services to the public and you help them and
yourself to make money."
Once you have the ICIWorld
services working for you, you will never send anyone to ICIWorld ever
again! You will only send them to YOUR OWN WEB SITE.
Hi tech . . . low cost.
You could be a member for ten years
and that would be $2,400. One lead from the first person to see the
link to listings that we place on your home page and that can generate a
$5,000 referral that just paid for 20 years service!
You can do this with just one service
out of many. See our referral
brokers and retired brokers programs.
If you have not done
business in the first 90 days, call
To increase your
"Net Worth" . . . increase your "Network".
Mobile Version Click Here For New Members Only At This Time
the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything.
Bill Clinton

Specialized Internet Services for every single Commercial and Residential
Real Estate Broker and Salesperson in the World.
ICIWorld Executive Membership
Any questions please call USA 954-317-2327, Canada 416-840-6227 after hours 416-214-4875, 1-877-272-1721 for any and all issues. We do appreciate the opportunity serve you.
In the USA and Canada and you must be
licensed real estate broker or salesperson to join.
Principals, actual buyers and sellers
can join in every other part of the world except the USA and Canada until such time as there is organized real estate in your part of the world who have joined ICIWorld and can serve you.

To Join:
Invoice USA
& the World
Invoice Canada
Make a payment
any amount
Before joining check to see if you are in our
If you search and find your name, request your id and password to be sent by EMail.
Return to iciworld.com, and click on Log In Get to Log In Member Management Page.
Click on Login on the left.
Follow instructions and renew / join from there.
Click on Log In Help on the left to get your log in id and password sent to you by EMail.
If you do not get your password by EMail within 3-5 minutes, call our office 1-877-272-1721.
Renew Membership:
here to Renew a Membership then log in on the left hand side with the
red diamonds. Welcome and support pages provided on joining.
Special for Real Estate Associations, Real
Estate Boards, Chapters, Companies.
Sponsorship Program
"Unparalleled support of
any service in the world." Comment from a member.
This is a world real estate broker
center of Haves and Wants. Every single broker and salesperson
in the USA and Canada and every business consultant and owner in the rest
of the world for both residential AND commercial will benefit from various
specialized Internet marketing and networking real estate tools. And
we will help you every step of the way. Technical support provided
by printouts, checklist, manual, videos, and free telephone support world
After you join and you have read
through materials.
Immediately upon joining you receive:
Receipt you can print out;
Welcome Instruction Page to print
Startup Checklist to print out;
How to Enter Information print out;
Marketing Plan print out;
Access to Seventeen Video Training
Programs. You simply click and play them on your computer;
Real estate web sites, residential and/or commercial (on request);
Web site real estate manual;
Instructions for your web site designer to place
revenue producing links on all your other web sites;
Free technical support in your office
over the phone, weekends included;
You will have immediate access to all
listings and;
You can start placing your Haves and Wants
immediately for world wide exposure. They instantly appear on over 18,000
places throughout the Internet and are EMailed out to
the industry automatically. Responses in many
cases can be instant and best within one week. Refresh your ads
every 30-90 days
for best results (just modify an ad, two clicks);
Ads work 24 hours per day, seven days per week until
you delete or modify them as long as you are a member.
Expired members ads go to an expired listing area
and remain available to members;
Daily Webinar Workshops
are provided live on line world
wide. Listen by phone or use
your computer (VOIP) to talk and listen. Works from everywhere on the planet
earth. We recommend a USB headset.
If you have not done
business in the first 90 days, call me!
Contact us anytime.
Once you have joined and have read the Welcome
Instruction Page and have everything set up we recommend:
- log in to your web site once per month;
- add and search listings from time to time;
- promote your web site and all the listings on it.
- attend special
Webinars from time to time, ie:
How To Promote Your Web Site, Information Tuneup, guest speakers, etc.
sites are free for one month and then $19.95 per month subject to our
distributor's policies if you wish to
continue them. Almost all keep them now because they are like billboards
generating leads and they are powerful Internet tools to serve your
prospects and clients. There are 1.4 billion people on the Internet.
Why not provide great services for them this way? We help you every step
of the way.
It is like an auto club membership
where all services and new services are added but the membership stays the
Includes unlimited ads . . . all year long;
Includes unlimited access to all ads in Database 1 and
Database 2 FSBO's;
Includes links to real estate ads
that go on YOUR own web site;
Includes residential and commercial web sites,
totally set up by us and customizable by you;
search engine optimization, Internet marketing, networking, tips,
tricks, concepts, ideas and technology tools, all designed for every single real estate
broker and salesperson in the world to generate leads and serve the
Includes powerful links for your web
sites that generate leads;
Includes support and training by telephone, printouts,
videos, daily Webinar workshops;
Includes access to all listings
including 11,000 listings placed by the public;
Includes distribution of your listings to the public
by EMail;
Includes powerful listing tools with lists of active buyers;
Includes powerful selling tools, display of colorful
photos, virtual tours;
Includes an option to provide exposure of your
residential and/or commercial listings on thousands of other brokers web
sites on the Internet;
more . . .
Summary Includes:
access to all information in Database 1 and Database 2 FSBO's.
Place Unlimited Have and Want
Ads into a
world searchable database; and instant and automatic delivery by EMail
to the real estate industry and the public; If you are
not a member you miss reaching this world audience of people interested
in real estate. See
These are revenue
producing links for YOUR web site.
It becomes inevitable that you will generate leads unless you have no
traffic going to your web site and we have solutions for that!
Add content of real estate ads
to all YOUR web
sites with simple links.
We help you do it all.
People are looking for listings on the Internet. Now you will have
thousands of real estate ads, all structured so that you get the calls.
These links up date themselves daily and you do not have to do a thing.
This can be the number one reason why people will return to your web
site regularly to check for new listing!!!
Leads For a Lifetime links. 96% of people are
searching for listings. Now you will have both commercial and
residential real estate listings especially structured in a way that you get the calls! Do
referrals. Do direct business.
There are 50-100 new ads added daily
automatically and
you do not have to do a thing. It brings people back to your web site to
check for new listings regularly.
This is unlimited leads off the Internet for you. This is not a
pay for lead service. This generates leads off the Internet.
These are great leads because the people doing the searching already
know the type of property, the price and size and a general location.
Members can do referrals and or show the property themselves.
Every broker and salesperson in the world will make money with just this
one feature. It is inevitable.
Without a membership you are missing one of the most
powerful Internet tools to help you do business by generating leads.
NOTE: If there is one thing better than listing and selling real estate
it is referrals. Why? because they average $3,000 to $10,000
and more. The only reason salespeople do not do referrals is because
they do not get the leads. Now you will. There are over 1
Billion people on the Internet. We show you how to generate traffic so
that the public sees these ads and they have to call you.
This works for every single member of ICIWorld who learns how to make it
work. We help you every step of the way.
Turn key web site.
Web sites display thousands of residential and commercial listings in a
way that YOU get the leads. This makes them the most powerful on earth.
Everyone should embrace the concept that web sites are like billboards.
You can have more than one and if they are all generating leads then why
not? Particularly if they work automatically by themselves updating
themselves 50-100 new listings a day and you do not have to do a thing.
*except log in to in once per month, add your listings from time to
time, promote it.
looking web site.
Web sites are free for one month and then $19.95/mo. or $199/year
subject to change at any time.
You can even sell advertising on your web site. You can trade for
advertising on your web site with mortgage brokers, etc. Yes you can
sell cars, services, products from your web site.
The special difference from all other web sites in the
world is the thousands of residential and commercial real
estate ads all structured in a way that you get the leads. Do referrals. Do direct
business; 96% of people searching for real estate are
searching for listings! If you have a web site with 20 listings or
2,000 listings, which one will trigger more calls for you.
Web sites are customized for you in the way you do business
and for your area.
You can use this information for all your other web sites as well.
Web sites deliver daily listings to your prospects.
Web sites deliver a note to your cell phone when people visit your web
Once you have the link to ICIWorld information on your web site, you
will never again send people to ICIWorld. You should only send
them to your own web site to see all the information on ICIWorld.
If you are not a member you miss this most
powerful tool, a storefront of listings to serve the public tailored
with how you do business. Do referrals and/or direct business.
"I have been a real estate broker for over 35 years and this is one
of the best and most powerful services for every single real estate
broker and salesperson in the world."
It is absolutely inevitable that you do business unless you have a
material defect in your membership or no traffic going to your web site.
We have solutions for both of these situations.
Full access to Database 1. Only
about 4,000 can be seen by the public; If you are not
a member you miss opportunities to meet people with whom you can do
Full access to Database 2 FSBO's,
over 9,000 real estate Haves and Wants placed by the public. Only
members have full access; If you are not a member you
miss opportunities directly from the public.
Database 2 FSBO Area - receive
Haves and Wants by EMail for members only; If you are
not a member you miss opportunities directly from the public on a daily
A database of your
own listings on
your web site. It is a link to your listings for your web site. Add a
commercial listing to ICIWorld and it is instantly on your web site.
Add residential homes directly to your web site;
Add, modify, delete, mark sold,
unlimited Haves and Wants, all year long; This removes
the cost to advertise your opportunities to the public all year long on
one of the largest web sites in the world for real estate.
Distribution of all new listings to
the public by EMail. Over 10,000 EMails deliver information to
the public daily. Some of the best responses are within 24hr to 48hr of
placing a listing; It
would take you thousands of hours to build databases to reach all the
people who subscribe to receive daily listings by EMail.
Resource Center.
We let every
discover it upon joining. Access to personal and business information
compiled over 15 years ideas, concepts, tips, tools that will benefit you the rest of your life. Everyone who sees it says it alone is worth
the price of joining;
Training and support in your office
over the phone everywhere in the world by way of Daily Webinar Workshops!
It is online. Use a USB headset to listen and talk while online. Also other training by windows video
streaming media and telephone support. This training includes personal support on how to work
with the web site and how to make the web site work for you;
One concept, one idea, one tool, one contact, and you
make a lot of money. This area has hundreds. All video training
programs included.
Powerful listing tools; statistics,
lists of buyers. If you can print out a list of 200 buyers of apartment
buildings and your competitor can not, who is going to get the listing? Some say it is the most powerful
listing tool on the market today.
Retired brokers program;
Have fun the rest of your life doing just referrals. The only reason why
brokers do not do referrals is because you do not get the leads.
Now you will;
Would you mind doing the odd five minute referral that
makes you money? See
Search Matrix for
company or group. ICIWorld
specializes in the database. Have it appear with the information you
want for the people you want. It can help your group network like never
before. It can help your organization grow; It
is sophisticated databases formerly reserved for the Fortune 500
companies, tailored to suit your company and/or organization. See
Search Members and
Details for a Search Matrix for
your organization.
global directory listing; See
Search Members. They even
search for a member in our testimonials. You will be surprised how people can find you to do
Access to all listings including
9,000 ads placed by the public; Without a membership
you can easily miss making connections to do business and not realize it.
Do referrals. Do direct business, all
year long with a membership.
Based on our experience of helping brokers and salespeople since 1990, we
believe this to be one of the most important set of tools that every
broker and salesperson in the world should include in their "broker's
information tool box."
ICIWorld is free to the public and is
supported by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople world wide. It
is an information world wide service bureau for all licensed real estate
professionals in the world that provides Internet information networking,
marketing tools and training for sales people to help them serve the
With an economical annual Executive Membership all services are available.
ICIWorld as a tool in your marketing plans,
the best value on the Internet for real
estate professionals and provide this content
for the public from . . . your web site . .
. in a way that you receive the calls!
ICIWorld was the first Internet real
estate Have and Want information service in the world in 1994.
Include it as one tool in your marketing plans. It continues to provide
innovative and cutting edge technology tools for the organized real estate
industry compatible with other services to serve the public.
If for any reason you are not doing
deals, referrals or at the very least making connections to do business,
please call us. Everyone can and will do business.
Summary in Detail of Services.
It can all be
working for you within minutes.
Printed Materials
an Executive Membership includes the following:
Have and Want ads displayed to a world and local audience of
over 50,000 60,000+ people from over 100
125 countries over 1,500,000 1,800,000 hits per
month. See statistics.
You can also use these statistics in you when listing property. It
makes for a powerful listing presentation to print out a list of 125
countries you reach.
Listings instantly appear on over 18,000 places throughout the Internet
with your contact information instantly and automatically.
Distribution by Email to the public. Over 10,000 EMails deliver listings
daily to the public. The public subscribes for the type of information
they want. We deliver it to them.
Your Have and Want ads remain until you delete or mark them sold.
The public can call you directly! It is like classified ads in a
newspaper but to a world AND local public audience.
You must be a member to place your information in Database 1 for the
public to read and be able to call you directly. It is the ultimate in
world wide exposure.
Your new information and listings that are modified after 30 days are
also distributed instantly and automatically to the industry by Email.
One developer reports he has done three deals from the EMails. He does
not visit the site.
Marketing power: Out of 350,000,000 results in google, ICIWorld is at or
near top for the words commercial real estate! This means business for
Cost works out to less than 1/10th of 1 cent per line per day compared
to a newspaper and to a world audience 10 times as large as the largest
newspaper. Hard to believe but true.
The powers of the Internet that were formerly afforded only by Fortune
500 companies are now being offered here for your benefit.
Residential listings over $750,000 are now allowed on ICIWorld.
All residential listings can be added to the web site that we distribute
to you within minutes of you joining. You can add photos, do slide
shows, and your homes will be googled from outer space.
Key Web Site
Web sites are free for one month
and then $19.95 per month subject to our distributor's policies.
One of the major tools of the Internet. Think of it in the same way that
you have a tool box at home to fix things. You buy tools to help you
around the house. A web site is a tool to help you do business. Add it
to your marketing and information tool box of power tools.
Ready within minutes of joining!
Full training provided by way of printouts, videos, a manual and
telephone support in your office over the phone to help you
learn how to use it effectively and to gain traffic that generates leads
for you to do business.
If you already have a web site, this training
will benefit you too by helping you to get more traffic to the web site
and by the special links we suggest you place on all your web sites.
They automatically update themselves with hundreds of new listings both
residential and commercial real estate daily. This brings people back to
your web site regularly.
These are $5,000 to $10,000 looking web sites . . . all for $240 per
year. Ask us and we will explain how it's done.
Web sites are included in your membership whether you use them or not.
You just have to ask for one.
Customizable. Add links, change content, graphics, styles, color,
and much more.
Commercial real estate web sites.
Residential real estate web sites.
Combinations of both.
All within minutes!
Set it up on the phone now 1-877-272-1721 Call us to see samples.
Your domain name working within sixty minutes! You can start publicizing
it! You will always send people to your web site to see listings, not to
ICIWorld. ICIWorld becomes a back end search engine for you
supplying you content in a way that you get the calls.
We call it the "Mercedes Benz of web sites" on the Internet. There are
major marketing tools you can place on them for networking, advertising,
communicating on behalf of and for your prospects and clients. We show
you how every step of the way.
Do you already have one web site? We suggest you have two. Why? They are
like billboards and if the one we set up for you makes you $50,000 per
year and your other one makes you money, then why not? And you can the
two. There are advantages to having two that we will share with
you later.
Residential web sites are part of a network of over 70,000
80,000 real estate brokers and salespeople advertising
residential homes. You will have the choice to advertise their
listings also in a way that generates leads for you.
Add photos of your properties and make slide shows. We show you how.
Your clients will love it.
Web sites do not generate leads by themselves. It is content on a
web site that generates leads, and now you will have great content and
provide a great service to the public.
When you advertise your homes they can be "Googled" from outer
space. We teach how to place the longitude and latitude to make this
work for you. These are powerful marketing and selling tools. There are
so many features it may very well be the best of all your web sites.
We also provide a very productive link on your web site to the real
estate ads that are on ICIWorld. They are structured in a way that
you get the calls! One broker has reported doing 15 referrals in one
three month period.
Do referrals. Do direct business.
77% of people looking for real estate use the Internet to search for
real estate! 96% are searching for listings. Provide them with listing
content and especially in a way that YOU get the calls. People are
online. They want this kind of information. Give it to them immediately
upon joining!
This is one tool that every broker and salesperson in the world can
have! It is so easy we set it all up for you within minutes!
Choice of residential or commercial or a combination of both with links
to thousands of residential and/or commercial real estate ads that
change daily automatically that generates leads for the rest of your
life. This is your customizable web site that is live because of the
daily content changes.
We include a private, secret and competitive document and 90 minute
training session on "How To Promote Your Website." More traffic means
more leads and direct business. Complete support and training available.
Training Videos for the public and, other help educational
training videos for the private and exclusive use of Executive Members
only. Gives you a competitive edge in the market place no matter where in the world
you are located!
"Leads for a Lifetime"
Make the ICIWorld service from YOUR web site! You get the leads! It is links from
your web site to thousands of residential homes for sale, thousands of
commercial real estate ads, all in a way that you get the leads.
Do referrals.
Do direct business.
It takes only a few minutes to set up. It will be one link on your web
site. It links to over 10,000 real estate Have and Want ads all
structured in a way that YOU receive the leads. Do referrals. Do direct
In fact our retired brokers are keeping this one service in their
retirement years! Would you mind doing a five minute referral that makes
you $10,000 while you are retired?
This is beneficial for every broker and salesperson in the world. You
are providing a great service to the public. You are part of a world
brokers network where brokers have agreed to allow you to advertise
their listings!
If you already have a web site, send this link
for your web site designer to your web site designer after you have
joined. That's it! Receive leads for a lifetime.
It is like having classified ads on YOUR web site in a way that YOU get
the calls. Does it work?
Don't cancel your other services. Just add this to the services you
provide the public.
You can simply add this service to your marketing plans.
It makes your web site "live" because there are 50-100 new listings a
day coming in onto your web site! It brings people back to your
web site to check for new listings.
You no longer send people to ICIWorld to look for listings. You should
now always send people to your own web site to look for listings and
call you back with the message numbers.
Follow up and do deals and/or referrals.
access to Database 1 Over 9,000 real estate Have and Want ads placed
by brokers and salespeople, including solds and expireds. Only about
4,000 are available to the public. It is people connections
to do business. It is connections to people that can help you do deals.
By identifying people who are doing the kind of business you want to do,
is a major saving of time and money and helps you serve people
Full access to
Database 2 FSBO's
over 9,000 real estate Have and Want ads placed by the public with full
access to members only. There is a limited view to the public only.
You deal direct with the public.
Includes residential buyers and sellers.
This is also great source of referral opportunities as well as direct
Many double enders are started from this database.
Members can subscribe to receive these private ads by EMail daily.
Database 2 FSBO Area. Only
members can receive Haves and Wants by EMail the moment they are placed
by the public in Database 2. These are private Have and Want ads from
principals, buyers and sellers. The moment you as a member receive an
email you can deal directly with the buyer or seller principals as it
contains contact information.
A database of your listings on
your web site!
The moment you add a Have or Want listing to ICIWorld, it instantly
appears on YOUR home page. It is unlimited advertising all year long for
you and they all appear on your home page. In other words you have
a personal database on your own web site. The results can appear to the
public in different ways by sorting in different ways.
Add, modify, delete, mark sold,
unlimited Haves and Wants, all year long, with a membership.
It is an easy to fill in form online you can fill in from any computer
in the world attached to the Internet.
It is unlimited advertising all year long with an economical membership.
Your Haves and Wants will also appear on over 18,000 other pages
throughout the Internet instantly and automatically.
Your listings are circulated throughout the industry world wide. This
happens instantly and automatically. There are over 10,000 EMails
delivering information to the public. You just have to place your Have
or Want once and all this happens instantly and automatically.
Distribution of all new
listings to the industry world wide by EMail.
Distribution of all listings that are modified after thirty days.
There are presently over 10,000 EMails that deliver Have and Want
information daily to the public by way of over 200 selected
EMail List Servers.
These are public list servers where the public can subscribe to receive
information. You must be a member to have your information distributed
to the public by email. The public subscribed to receive your listings
by EMail.
You must be a member to receive EMail of new listings placed by the
public in Database 2.
This is a major world circulation of your information by Email to the
world. You just have to place it once and the distribution begins
immediately! Many actually receive calls within minutes of placing
information on ICIWorld.
Resource Center Information tools gathered over ten years
that help you in your everyday business and personal life.
Everyone agrees it is worth the price of an Executive Membership all by
itself. Just one of many services from ICIWorld. One tip can save you
hundreds of dollars.
Weekly training
workshops We stopped doing this because we have something else
better and more convenient. We have captured the conference
training workshops and placed them on video here for you.
One of the true value added benefits you offer the public today is your
information handling abilities. Learn new skill talents that will help
you market and network more effectively, the power of linking, and much
Education is Power! You can have a jet outside your door but if you do
not know how to fly it you still are not going anywhere.
Everyone knows that in football you tackle, block, etc. But there is
only one team that wins the Super Bowl. Learn in these simple to follow
Learn how to use the Internet effectively in the marketing and
networking of real estate information.
Educational training sessions are private to our members only. They are
a competitive secret advantage for our members and are not shared with
non members.
Training Videos for the public and, other help educational
training videos for the private and exclusive use of Executive Members
only. Gives you a competitive edge no matter where in the world
you are located!
Powerful Listing Tools
Print out a list of over 125 countries in color
to show your marketing reach around the world and use in your listing
You are connected to the rest of the world from your location.
See statistics.
If you are from a small town you will be able to demonstrate the power
you have to network world wide.
You should print the statistics list showing the people from a list of
over 100 countries you are reaching!
It is the power of an industry to help you in your individual affairs.
It is a major competitive advantage.
Print out a list of buyers. It shows
how well connected you are in the market place. You literally can pick
up the phone in many cases and make appointments to show the property
once they list with you. It can be that fast. It is a major
competitive advantage.
Print out the testimonials! There are over forty pages! It is among the
most deals being done on the Internet that we see reported.
Retired Brokers Program. If you are a retired broker,
you mind doing the odd five minute referral that makes you $10,000? Two
ways this happens. One is from the web site with content that we totally
set up for you. One is from Database 2 where the public adds their Haves
and Wants and you can contact them. This is a total turn key set up.
We do it all for you. You just have to order it. May we show you
how it works! Or better yet just get it going and be surprised how well
it can work for you!
Search Matrix for major real
estate companies, chapters, councils, real estate boards, overlay
boards, and more. You can have a page on the Internet illustrating all
the Haves and Wants of your group!
design samples. It can help your group obtain new members because
they would have to be a member to get their Haves and Wants in your
group. Promote networking, network information to serve the public and
your members.
We have samples of how people within their own organizations did not
realize others in their company had a buyer when they had the property!
Put an end to this lack of communication. Get one of ICIWorld's search
matrix's for your group!
Listing in the
ICIWorld Directory. It is not just the listings through which you
will make connections. People search for a real estate professional to
help them by state, province, specialty, market area and much more.
You will have your phone number available to them, links are provided
for your EMail and to your home page.
People call members directly to have their properties, their Haves and
Wants listed on ICIWorld.
See who is in your state, province and if there are no results, then it
means if you join you will have all the readership and leads coming to
you. There are over 60,000+ people readership.
When people call us by telephone, we supply at
least three members in an area that can help them. When a person
wants to place information in Database 1 they must use a real estate
broker member. The public can not join this service. They can
place their information in Database 2 which is free but there is limited
exposure and only members can read their contact information.
testimonials. Among the most deals we see being done on the
Advertising on ICIWorld works out to less than 1/10th of 1 cent per
line per day to a market bigger than a newspaper, over 600,000,000
people. It is hard to believe but true.
On joining
Call 1-877-272-2721 for
assistance anytime. Time is money.
Please consider us as a personal
marketing and information assistant to you personally. |
Add over
10,000 listings to your web site in a way that you get the leads.
Tour of our Data
Sales Message
Business Areas
What is
Features and
Who can
join? . . .
What's Free? . . .
What are the costs?
Frequently Asked Questions

Top Ten
Reasons to Subscribe
What is the
difference between this service and others?
Using a credit card you will have instant access.

Hi Tech . . . Low Cost
Once you are registered book your appointment for
Call Sid in Marketing 1-877-845-1381 in Florida or 416-214-4875
Full amount by check. Fill in the
Membership Application and stop before inputting credit card information.
You will be in the database and ready to get started. Send your
check and the moment we receive it you will receive a Welcome EMail
Package indicating how to get started. You can set an appointment
for training with us now or wait until we receive your check and we will
contact you.
By Credit Card
By Post Dated Check (same as for check) 8 months service.
By Bank Wire Transfer
By Western Union to Gary Nusca, CCIM Canada
The Market ICI World Commercial
Real Estate Network
2 Bloor St. W.,
Suite 100-A
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3E2
Fax. 416-214-4763
Available for Licensed Real Estate
Brokers and/or Salespeople.

Two minutes to subscribe and start
placing Haves/Wants!
Unlimited Haves and Wants for global distribution . . . all year long!
Access to over 6,000 listings in the
private FSBO Area! Deal direct and/or work referrals!
Add a link to YOUR HOME Page to thousands
of Haves and Wants one link in a way that people have to call you for
further information!
Your listings EMailed automatically and
instantly to the industry world wide!
Training and technical support included!
Powerful Listing Tools!
Powerful Selling Tools! |
Note to Executive Members:
You will not send people to ICIWorld
every again once you join.
You will only send people to YOUR own web site to see all these
listings world wide.
Referrals average $3,000-$10,000
and five minutes to do.
It's all about working smarter . . . not harder.
Everything is completely automated
starting here on line.
You can have full access
within three minutes and be adding your information. Click on an invoice
On joining
. . .
Corporate Special
Everyone in your organization, company,
association, franchise, group, chapter may join for $240/yr. each. We
waive the $79 signup fee for each one.
- Put an ICIWorld Search Matrix on your corporate
web site.
See samples
This helps everyone see all your sales people's haves and wants at a
glance with contact names and numbers of your salespeople. It helps them
do business!
- Put a link to 16.000 real estate ads on your
corporate web site in a way that your salespeople get the calls.
This generates leads for a lifetime for your sales people.
- Three or more people sign up at one time or
within 30 days.
- There is some form of promotion within the
company, organization, group, association, etc.
Signup here. Call for the id and password.
- You can print out the invoice.
- Contact us for your specialized search matrix
for your company. We will send you the link. You place this link on your
corporate web site.
On joining:
- Print out your receipt; print out the Welcome
Instruction Page; print out the Marketing Plan that contains concepts
which are the difference between doing deals and not doing deals;
- Log in to the service by following instruction
in the Welcome Instruction Page.
- Call our office to request a web site or send an
EMail and request a web site. It is free with your membership.
Hundreds and hundreds have it and are ordering them.
- If you already have a web site,
click here for instructions to send instructions for all your web
sites to all your web site designers. These are revenue producing links
that make money for all real estate salespeople.
- Once you have logged in to your web site,
contact us again so that we will add special links to YOUR web site in a
way that YOU get the calls. We totally set up your first web site.
You can change it totally.
- Start adding unlimited Haves and Wants within 5
- Immediate access to over 8,000 Haves and Wants
placed by the public;
- Call now or book a fifteen minute appointment
for an orientation and to add your first Have and/or Want.
- Full training and support provided.
When you need assistance
contact us world wide free
416-214-4875 or 1-877-272-1721, 7am-10pm 6 Days per week.
Invoice you can print out and to get started:
Invoice USA & World
Invoice Canada.
ICIWorld is not a real estate board type listing
service. It is more like classified ads in a newspaper. The same way you might advertise in a
newspaper, is how you might advertise here. We recommend that you do not
place addresses in your listings. Qualify people first and know who you
are dealing with and then and only then we suggest you can give
information on the property.
Properties from
$3M-$100M+ You may simply state a continent, or the country, the type of
property, and a price. Qualify the callers and choose who you want
to work with. Now on our way to almost 1,000 members doing this
successfully. Everything is automated on line with printouts and training
videos. You can call us anytime for assistance world wide free.
If you would like to advertise free in your local
newspaper all year long for free, then you definitely should be a member
here. Because 74% of people who search for real estate and many who
use classifieds, search for real estate on the Internet. You can place
unlimited ads all year long.
of ICIWorld
There are 2.4 billion people using the Internet.
Are you doing all you can to have those interested
in real estate to contact you and vice versa?
Special handling of real estate Have and Want
information can make one a lot of money. There are
special unique ICIWorld Internet tools and
opportunities for licensed real estate brokers and
salespeople world wide that are not available on any
other service.
Here are some. Click on one of the following to get started.
Your information will be in a database that is receiving over 1,800,000
hits per month, from over 18,000 pages on the Internet world wide, and
your information will be delivered to the industry by email with over
10,000 EMails delivering Haves and Wants daily to selected industry wide
and mailing lists that people can
subscribe to free.
your information through the industry, generate contacts that lead to
doing deals.
Application USA and the rest of the world - Register.
You will need an identifier.
Application Canadian - Register
An Identifier is used by computer systems
to identify you whenever you log in.
- When the form comes up, one way to design your
identifier is to use the first letter of your first name, all of your
last name, or use the first part of your email address. Minimum
six characters.
- all in small case letters,
- no spaces,
- design your own password, no spaces, and it is
case sensitive. Minimum six characters.
- If you have any kind of a problem it could be
that someone else has an identifier that is similar and things will not
work. You must change it slightly. Do not fill in this application
and register more than once.
- Write your identifier and password down in case
you forget it.
- May we suggest you open up a blank legal size
file folder now.
- On the tab, write
- On the inside front cover at the top, write
down the word Identifier and write it in. This is your login id.
- On the next line write the word Password and
write it in. (You design it yourself.)
- On the next line write Renewal Date and write
it in. (365 days, 1 year from today)
- Place all printed material from ICIWorld in
this file. We will be referring to it later. All learning
materials should be placed in this file. You will be printing out
the training program once you join, Marketing Concepts and Technical
Tips for your own web site, Courtesy Notes, "How To" circulars and much
more. This is all designed for people interested
in commercial real estate
and should be placed in this file, etc. for easy reference.
After you have completed your application,
- go to Member Management,
- click on Resource Center,
- look for Help Files for the Market ICI Network,
- print out Marketing Plan and Training Program,
- print out Have and Want Sheets.
- You should make photo copies of the blank Have
and Want Sheets and keep them in a legal size file folder in the top
half of your briefcase.
- They are like a pilots checklist for a broker.
These have and want sheets can be used in your counseling sessions with
your buyers and sellers. They have been designed using information
from CCIM Marketing Sessions, SEC marketing sessions and others.
Once you have captured the information by filling
in the have or want sheets in pen or pencil you can delegate the
information to be placed to your administration staff, yourself or fax it
to our office.
It literally takes only one to two minutes to fill
out a Have or Want Sheet and this can lead to you making a great
deal of money and serving your clients and prospects successfully.
In our opinion one of the most important
industry responsibilities you have is to recognize important information
in the market place that can make you money and then write it down first.
Otherwise it is easy to forget, your information may never get worked and
you miss making a deal and you don't even know it.
The form that you fill on line is exactly the
same. You simply click on Member Management from the Main Menu and fill in
the blanks on the form.
Most everyone says it is easy and we will help you
get started when you are ready.
For details on cost and how to get started:
Invoice USA & World
Invoice Canada.
Think of us as your personal
marketing and information assistant. You are hiring us to delegate work
for us to do. You do not have to supply the office space, desk, computers,
long distance accounts, money for servers, programmers, etc. We do it all
for you.
We appreciate the opportunity to
serve you.
Do not hesitate to contact us.
1-877-272-1721 Toll free North
You could be a member for ten years
and it would cost $2,400 at $240 per year times 10 years. You could
do a referral with the first enquiry as a result of placing one of our
special links on your web site to thousands of listings on your web site
and make $5,000 and you would have paid for 20 years of service!
All people may join in the UK, Europe, Asia, China, India, Caribbean
Basin, Central America, South America, Australia, Mexico, Africa, etc.
See Who Can Join?
Once you join we would like all members to be guided by
any one of these codes of ethics of these
institutions as it is deemed by you and appropriate for you and your
"Success by powering up our
customer's (who are licensed real estate salespeople) real estate business
with Internet Power Tools for marketing and networking with education and
training to succeed making money by helping
their customers connect with others to do business."
"Get information generating
revenue and working for you and your clients."
"Succeeding by helping others succeed"
Take advantage of "the Information Age."

Since 1994 |