Since 1994
Contact us world wide free.
Instruction Page for Web
Site Designers
All these links are
If you are not a
member, they are free!
If you are a member,
they are included but switch automatically to not displaying contact
information. This means people must call you for more information!
Send this link or page
to your web site designer
Instruct them to install these
links on all your web sites.
You will need an id number from
ICIWorld whether you are a member or not because all these links can be
installed on every brokers web site in the world.
When a broker or salesperson is an
Executive Member of ICIWorld these links can become one of the best revenue
generators for them. The links as they appear below can be installed
absolutely free on every real estate brokers and salespersons web site as
long as they have an id number supplied by ICIWorld. When a members status
is in good standing the links are not clickable meaning that the customer
has to call the member. That triggers leads off the Internet for members.
If their membership is expired, then the links become hypertextable.
This means people identify the other broker who has the listing. They will
have a choice to call either the other broker or our former member who may
have let his membership lapse.
The following links generate revenue!
ICIWorld supports all web
sites with special links that generate leads from each and every web site.
We suggest all web sites of members be linked together with a simply statement:
Please feel free to visit my other web site www.otherwebsiteaddress. There
are advantages to having more than one web site. Call anytime to discuss.
Placing special links on an Executive Member's
home page to real estate ads that are on ICIWorld, structured in a way
that the Executive Member gets the calls.
This is for Executive Members of ICIWorld who are
licensed real estate brokers and salespeople.
Every licensed real estate broker and salesperson in the world can profit
from these links. The following links are all free for every
licensed real esate salesperson in the world.
These are revenue producing links for all brokers
and salespeople in the world.
There are over 2 Billion people on the Internet with
240,000,000 in North America. According to a NAR survey, 74% of people
searching for real estate use the Internet.
Of that number, 96% search web sites for listings
and properties. It is content on a web site that people are searching for.
ICIWorld has developed a way to provide member brokers and salespeople
with that content in a way that you benefit from the calls. You do
direct business. You do referrals.
A web site provides a platform for this content.
Click here to get a web
site. Every broker and salesperson in the world should have one. They
are like billboards in a busy place that can attract business.
Links to Have and Want Real Estate Ads,
"information content for your web site" are provided for your web site structured in a way that the
public can not click on the message numbers IF YOU ARE A MEMBER IN GOOD
STANDING. They have to contact
you for more information. This gives you opportunities to do
Members work the leads directly, make arrangements to show a property and
proceed to help someone buy or lease a property or business.
Members work the leads as referrals. Keep in mind
it is almost like another country out here on the Internet, and you can
get enquiries on any of the world listings and do a referral.
Referrals average five minutes to do and average eight to ten thousand dollars each
and more. Retired Brokers can choose to do this the rest of their lives.
The only reason brokers do not work referrals is because they do not get
the leads. Now you will.
- Link to 20,000 real estate Have and Want ads
structured in a way that they get the calls IF YOU ARE A MEMBER IN GOOD
STANDING. If your membership expires the links can be clicked on.
Place the following banner on your home pages.
USE this banner:
(Use this URL for the banner.
That way we can change the number of listings from time to time)

and link the banner to this URL
http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=indexworld where
mid= get the id number from ICIWorld.
To put these links on your web site all you need is an id number from
ICIWorld and they are free whether you are a member or not.
Make a statement after the banner:
$1 Trillion of Buyers | $8 Billion of Properties
For Sale and For Lease.
We belong to a global real estate center
for Haves and Wants of Industrial, Commercial and Investment Real
Estate, Land, Farms, Business Opportunities, Financing and more.
If any of the listings interest you, or you would like to place your
Haves and Wants, please feel free to give me a call.
There are thousands of listings with hundreds of new listings coming in
regularly. Please feel free to visit often for new opportunities.
Click Here or on
the banner.
That's it!
Note for programmers: If you can frame the
result within your site is the best. You may wish to have the members logo and contact information appearing
in a top frame and the page with the results in the body.
Note for programmers: It makes it easy for a member of the public to
search and have the members name and phone number on the screen at the
top the
whole time.
Note for programmers: link to the image
on ICIWorld. Do not place the image on your web site. We update
the information in the image every once in a while and that way members
do not have to change the image.
- Place a link on YOUR HOME PAGE called My
Commercial Listings or My Haves Wants
Substitute your member id for gbrunet in the following link:
Get the member id from the member of ICIWorld.
Place this link on your home page that pulls your listings
off iciworld.com and displays them on the screen of the viewer.
This way when
you add a Have or Want onto ICIWorld, it is instantly added to your own
web site. This
relieves you of the burden of creating and maintaining your online listings.
These listings can be displayed sorted in different ways, such as by
Price, Location, Type Description. The default is latest listings first.
Click here for instructions on displaying your listings sorted in
different ways.
If you have an idea for a different way to display listings please
contact us.
- You can now display the whole state or
province with a link. All the following links can be added to any and
every brokers and salespersons web site absolutely free. But you
must get the id number from ICIWorld. This will make it legal.
All these are FREE LINKS for every brokers and salespersons web site in
Ontario. Other links for every state and province in the world.
One example is Ontario. Call it Ontario Commercial Here is the URL:
http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=citiesONactive where
mid= id number from ICIWorld. Active Listings Only.
Ontario Residential Haves and Wants
http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=citiesONrespage where
mid= id number from ICIWorld
World Residential Haves and Wants
Another example is British Columbia. Call it BC Commercial
Here is the URL:
Another example is Alberta. Call it Alberta Commercial
Here is the URL:
Florida's would be Florida Commercial. Call it Florida Commercial
Here is the URL:
These URL's are now in the design stage. Please call now
1-877-272-1721 if you are anxious for one for your state, province. All
of these were added on request.
- There is another way to display states and
provinces using this link:
You can get the number for your state off one of our maps at
www.iciworld.us or for a province
at www.iciworld.ca
This is the link for California
California would be California Commercial.
- Ontario Businesses For Sale
- Ontario Businesses For Sale Active
- Caribbean, Mexico, South America
- Canada FSBO's
- USA http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=citiesUSA
- USA FSBO's http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=citiesusafsbo
- Search World Real Estate Haves and Wants: http://www.iciworld.com/lp4m.jsp?mid=3&pg=searchAppWorld201603
What links?
- Link to World Listings over 20,000 real estate Have and Want ads
structured in a way that you get the calls.
- Link to your own personal Have and Want
listings. One can click on these because they are members own
listings. When you add a listing to ICIWorld, it appears instantly on
your very own web site.
- Link to the real estate ads in your own state
or province. This is broken down by categories, regions, cities, and key
- Specialty page of links if and when required.
For example: if you specialize in gas stations you can place all the gas
station buyers and sellers in one link on your site. Just tell us your
specialty and we can send you the link.
Company Links - If you have many salespeople using ICIWorld, place
links on your company web site to all your sales staff's Haves and
Wants. Use the traffic on your main company web site to help your sales
staff generate extra deals. If you do not, you are denying them
opportunities to make money and may not realize that.
Sample Web Sites of some members:
Specialty Links for Your Home Page.
There are specialty links that you can add to your home page.
Have a look at
http://www.rogerjain.com and click on a button that says Property
Search. These are specialty links. Links created to help you
generate the kind of business you would like to do.
No Home Page?
After all the links are installed on your home
Read a document called "How to Promote My Web
Site" It is at iciworld.com in the Member Management area,
Resource Center, #9.
This is a secret competitive report for members only to become number 1 in
your area or at the very least in the top ten.
If you can do ten referrals this next year and a half, that would be a
total time for you of 50 minutes. If they all went through could it
be $80,000? We call it working
smarter not harder.
However the number of referrals you do is
dependent on the leads that you get. The leads that you get is
dependent on the traffic that you get.
If you have any suggestions or enhancements please
feel free to contact us.
To get all this working for you
join now
if you are not a member, or simply call and ask for a web site if you are
a member.
ICIWorld can become a back end, search database
engine for your company, association, country, you name it. It is up to
you to dream how easily it can be to connect people with others to do
business. ICIWorld is designed for the whole world to help every one
connect with others in a timely manner to do business.
Questions and assistance to 416-214-4875 or gary @

Since 1994 |