Global and Local Circulation.
Buyers, sellers, business owners, brokers, salespeople, developers, mortgage brokers, and many more visit occasionally.
ICIWorld is a community of people interested in real estate.
The ICIWorld Database is now being searched by people in 185+ countries from Dubai, to you name it.
See listings from all the continents in Database 2 FSBO Area, where people access the service and post.
See the sales brokers are making with people from around the world and authenticated sales from people in Dubai.

People from around the world can see your information and contact you.
Inevitable to trigger leads.
Brokers sharing Haves and Wants on each other’s websites
Other brokers have agreed to allow their Haves and Want listings to be displayed on YOUR Website.
See ICIWorld IDX Links Widgets of listings, Haves and Wants. These listings trigger leads for YOU.
Do referrals.
Do direct business.
See fifty sample websites out of 2,000 circulations and display them on other brokers’ websites.
The goal? All brokers and salespeople worldwide can display all information globally from their websites.
That way, every broker worldwide has all the opportunities on their website to serve their prospects and clients.
Part-time and retiring brokers and salespeople do referrals on the inquiries to the full-time real estate brokers and salespeople who placed the Haves and Wants.
For Executive Members of The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
Join Today.
Place one ad . . . and with a click . . . reach the world instantly. Then let ICIWorld work your information globally 24/7 in many ways while you are doing other things.
ICIWorld has over 1,000,000 links to listings, building them since we were the first on the Internet for real estate in 1994.
Readership is from people in 138 countries.
5+ billion people are using the Internet. (2022)
You can place one message on ICIWorld about an exclusive Have or Want opportunity or listing, which can be enough for someone to contact you. Then you get a signed listing agreement to show and sell it. If it was a piece of land and you sell it, that can become a significant development creating jobs, services and economic activity.
ICIWorld is one primary Internet information listing service that every broker and salesperson should include in their marketing plan for the year in addition to MLS. Why? Because it helps you market your listings worldwide. It helps you network Have and Want information that cannot be placed on MLS that triggers leads to doing business.
In one respect, ICIWorld is like real estate classified ads in a newspaper operated by brokers for brokers to serve the public. You network here with the same information you would advertise in a newspaper’s classified ads. But it works to 1/10th of 1 cent per line per day instead of $100 to $1,000 daily.
However, you must not place an address or identify the property if you do not have a signed listing.
Place an ad with one click and reach the world. Your information works 24/7, just like classified ads in a newspaper but to people from 138 countries. And we do it all year long for all your ads with a yearly membership for less than a cup of coffee a day with opportunities to make thousands of dollars all year.
You no longer are restricted to making money with just MLS. Now you can do both. Network Have and Want information can trigger leads just like listings on a real estate board can trigger leads. But it must be done in a competent and professional manner in compliance with your real estate licensing. We teach it. We have the experience of dealing with 1,000+ real estate brokers and salespeople designing this service and I too as manager and founder have been a real estate broker for 48 years. (As of 2022)
75% of the information on ICIWorld is exclusive and unique, not on real estate boards.
We share how to work exclusive real estate in Webinars conducted for real estate offices, boards and associations.
Request a Webinar today for your real estate office, board or association.
Recorded Webinars are are placed on ICIWorld Educational YouTube Channel Videos. Showing everyone how to search on mobile phones and devices and computers for your listings, Haves and Wants and more.
ICIWORLD VIMEO SHOWCASE Showing people the networking that brokers do to find buyers and sellers for their prospects and clients and more.
You can network exclusive type information as long as you do not place an address or identify the property.
Webinars-On-Demand. We teach this in our educational Webinars conducted for real estate offices, real estate boards and associations.
This gives you a chance to generate leads using information not just listings on a real estate board.
Your Have and Want information can trigger leads just like your listings can trigger leads. This gives you opportunities to do real estate business by connecting with someone of a like-minded interest to buy or sell. They call you. You talk about the property but do not give an address. Put a listing agreement in place first and then show the property and sell it. This is your red carpet invitation to start making money and it provides more choice for the public.
You will learn how it all started out of CCIM meetings at the Toronto Real Estate Board. Brokers and salespeople standing up and talking about their opportunities to do business. This service gives all brokers worldwide the opportunity to display their opportunities to do business. Put listing agreements in place before divulging an address or showing a property. It is that simple.
See an article in a major real estate publication called REM. Information the Gold On The Internet. See these transactions generated with networking real estate opportunities not listings on a real estate board. Do not take this wrong. MLS is the best way to market real estate but not the only way. If you cannot get a signed listing you cannot put it on a real estate board. But you can on ICIWorld, when you learn how to do it properly and in compliance with your licensing body. We teach that.
As of 2022, we now invite real estate boards and associations to provide and develop this service just like there is a company that provides the MLS service for real estate boards and associations.
If you cannot get a signed listing you cannot place that on a real estate board.
As a real estate practitioner, you are no longer restricted to making money with just MLS. Now you can make working information to trigger leads as well as long as you do not place the address or identify the property.
ICIWorld Global Mobile Real Estate Networking Services
Install the ICIWorld Global Real Estate App
Thousands of people have installed the free ICIWorld mobile App for iPhones and Androids. It is free to do so.
They can search a whole industry of listings, Haves and Wants and of course your listings, Haves and Wants when placed by you.
It is real estate information at your fingertips. Buying and selling situations. All less than 90 days old, fresh, ready to look at and show properties. Free to access, make connections and do business.
- In the App or Playstore for iPhones and Androids, search the app ICIWorld and install it. People have made thousands, tens of thousands and now over $1M by making connections and doing transactions.
- thousands of people can search your information on their mobile phones.
Thousands of people add an ICIWorld shortcut to their mobile phones and search.
This works for every type of device in the world. There are several to choose from.
- (World Real Estate Information Listing
- (National Real Estate Information Listing
- (Information Listing Service. real estate
- (Real Estate Haves And
- (A shortcut web version of our App)
People from 138 countries access information regularly on ICIWorld.
You can search anytime for the latest real estate listings, Haves and Wants, 50%-75% are exclusive not on real estate boards, yet placed by the very members of real estate boards.
This is industry-wide, worldwide networking of real estate opportunities. One small membership yearly or monthly fee and network your opportunities all year long as many as you can.
Maximize your opportunities in real estate by letting your information do the work 24/7. It is like calling thousands of people to see if they are interested in what it is that you have or want.
The service is free for the public to search. The best way for them to network to get maximum exposure and worldwide marketing is to place their information with a member or get their real estate salesperson to join ICIWorld.
Database 2 FSBO Area (For Sale By Owner)
Database 2 FSBO Area
You will see 15,000+ ads place by the public in Database 2 FSBO Area (For Sale By Owner), information placed by the public for free. However, only the member brokers and salespeople of ICIWorld have access to the contact information.
Database 1 is information placed by real estate brokers and salespeople. They provide the maximum in worldwide marketing.
This is a world community of people with a like-minded interest in real estate.
It is all about helping the public make connections to do business.
Doing it this way, more real estate opportunities become available to the public.
The ultimate in networking, world marketing, distribution, and circulation is only possible with an Executive Membership.
Real estate brokers and salespeople are best positioned in the real estate industry worldwide to recognize, collect and distribute exclusive type real estate information properly on behalf of the public in a major, industry-wide, worldwide service. powers the display of your listings, Haves and Wants in a specialized real estate Internet database available to the public and the real estate industry 24/7.
- This is a 24/7 searchable database started in 1994.
- It has over 1,000,000 backlinks built since 1994.
- Readership is from people in 138+ countries.
People search on computers: and twenty other major websites with eighty more being built over the next five years..
People worldwide search on mobile devices and can make shortcuts on their mobile phones to:
- (World Real Estate Information Listing
- (National Real Estate Information Listing
- (Information Listing Service . real estate
- (Real Estate Haves And
- (A shortcut web version of our App)
People are adding the ICIWorld App onto their Androids and iPhones. This means they always have it to search for.
The goal is to have all licensed real estate brokers and salespersons in the world network their exclusive Haves and Wants and listings to the world as well as advertise their real estate board listings for the ultimate in worldwide exposure. Treat ICIWorld more like classified ads in a newspaper and with links to your website for people to follow.
For the public, more information becomes available that is not on real estate boards. Dealing with an ICIWorld Executive Member provides the best of both worlds.
SPECIAL TOOL FOR MEMBERS WEBSITES: Every salesperson who is a member can have this database of listings available with ICIWorld Widgets for their own website. Our members have agreed to allow 95% of them to be on other brokers’ websites. See Widgets IDX Links for real estate broker and salesperson websites.
It becomes absolutely inevitable to trigger leads from your own website with these widgets unless you have little or no traffic to your website and we have a solution for that.

Over 50 Pages of Testimonials
Every broker has an extensive database of contacts. When their customers see their website and it contains your listing, that is circulation! P
People seeing members websites and listings is circulation for YOU too! They do referrals to you when someone asks for more information.
Read the testimonials so you know you are not wasting your time.
Think about the ROI of being a member for these brokers proving you can do it too. We will help.
Testimonials are proof positive that you can make connections and do business for all kinds of real estate.
You could be a member for ten years x $319 = $3,190. And if you are not doing a deal or making connections every 90 days you call us and give us a chance to help you.

The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople has developed our own technology, to serve our members.
It has taken many years to put the technology that others charge hundreds of dollars per month so that we can use this technology at three hundred dollars per year. And it includes all services.
Unlimited ads for $319 per year NOT $319 per month. All the while taking advantage of technology tools on the Internet to help our members to serve their prospects and clients that no other service is providing at this price at this time.
For instance, all the circulation on this page is included in your membership. And does it work? You bet. Transactions to our knowledge are now higher than all real estate boards in Canada, namely $50M+ while the largest we know of by any other real estate association is $28M, namely the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board. When we examined these deals we found there were fourteen offers on one. Meaning that members of ICIWorld had the connections to do transactions higher than others. We simply suggest including this service in your marketing plans for the year to insure you are donig the best for your prospects and clients.
In one respect you can think of it as classified ads in a newspaper, controlled, developed and serving real estate brokers and salespeople worldwide.
Unlike other services which allow the public to advertise to the public, and cut real estate people out of the deal, we do not allow that. Yes the public can advertise free here, but the only people that can access the contact information are the members.
40,000+ contacts to do business. Add the access to them on your mobile phone.
Add the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App or add a shortcut to any one of the following mobile websites all powered by ICIWorld:
- (World Real Estate Information Listing
- (National Real Estate Information Listing
- (Information Listing Service . real estate
- (Real Estate Haves And
- (A shortcut web version of our App)
It becomes daily information and real estate contacts, buyers and sellers, available at your fingertips.
Thousands of installations of the ICIWorld mobile websites and Apps for all mobile devices
iPhones and Androids. Search the App or Playstore for the App iciworld and install it. It is free.
Many now say it is the greatest use of time, when for instance you can be standing in line for a cup of coffee and within three clicks see the latest listings, Have and Want real estate opportunities.
Some are now saying they prefer searching ICIWorld for new real estate opportunities over Facebook.
- (World Real Estate Information Listing
- (National Real Estate Information Listing
- (Information Listing Service. real estate
- (Real Estate Haves And
- (A shortcut web version of our App)
- (Our original working to this day)
ICIWorld information is available for all mobile devices in the world:
Add a shortcut to your home screen.
Only members have access to all listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld.
The public has access to about 5,000+/- listings, Haves and Wants with 50-150 new ones coming in daily.
To network information for the ultimate worldwide exposure, you must be a member.
Join and as a member network your information industry-wide, worldwide.
Average searches to find contacts for buyers or sellers . . . less than 60 seconds!
Our computer statistics indicate 30,000 to 40,000 unique sites monthly statistics
Each request made to the server comes from a unique ‘site’, which can
be referenced by a name or ultimately, an IP address. The ‘sites’
number shows how many unique IP addresses made requests to the server
during the reporting time period. This DOES NOT mean the number of
unique individual users (real people) that visited, which is impossible
to determine using just logs and the HTTP protocol (however, this
number might be about as close as you will get).
20,000 EMails distributed daily to subscribers
New Global EMail List Servers brought on line 2021.
We have a new server where we have added 300+ EMail List Servers to serve countries in the world. So flexible we can add cities, regions, countries on demand. Delivering your information daily by EMail to the public and subscribers.
18,000 pages on the Internet penetrating the farthest reaches of the Internet since 1994.
Over 1,000,000 backlinks built since 1994 for the anyone interested in the world in industrial, commercial and investment real estate including all our business categories, apartment buildings, commercial buildings, office buildings, shopping centers, farms, subdivision potential, land, condo sites, building lots, residential, cottages, vacation property, recreational property, every type of business, golf courses, resorts, trailer parks, and much, much more.
People find your listings because they can search any of these words and find your listings on ICIWorld.
ICIWorld Global EMail List Servers
When you are an Executive Member, your information is automatically EMailed to the public and the real estate industry globally. There are thousands of subscribers.
Everyone in the world can subscribe here:
We recommend everyone subscribe to your state or province for commercial, to your city or region for residential, or your country.
Members-only can subscribe to receive the FSBO Listings from Database 2.
People can subscribe and unsubscribe.
One developer told us he does not visit the website, but receives the listings, Haves and Wants by EMail. When he sees a listing he calls the broker. He has done three deals right from the EMails.
Real Estate Boards and Associations
- website campaign, front page on website
- email campaign
- website campaign front page on website
- email campaign
- booth space at conventions
- booth space at Realtor Quest
- ad in members area (44,000 membership)
- we conduct seminars and sponsor seminars
Gary Nusca, CCIM, ICIWorld at TREB Realtor Quest from David Grossman on Vimeo.
- on website
- Gary Nusca, CCIM is the Membership Chairman of the CCIM Chapter and invites you to become a member.
Durham, Oshawa Real Estate Board
Pay per click services as well as search engine rankings with Google.
It is our goal at ICIWorld to support each and every member in their own market areas to have their website come up in the search engines. With the ICIWorld Widgets this ensures your website generates leads. There is nothing else like it in the industry. If you are not gettng leads, it is because you do not have enough traffic and there are solutions for that.
This provides real estate professionals the opportunities to handle more trades in the market place of real estate so that people get looked after properly in the largest sales of their lives. Doctors look after people. Lawyers help. In the case of real estate salespeople they have helped the public create millions of dollars of wealth through real estate.
Social Media
Thousands of people see our postings on social media. This leads them to the listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld. If your information is there they can find you, visit your website, pick up the phone and call you, email you, etc. One lead can make one a lot of money. By having a world database that is constant up and running and easily searchable it helps people find your information literally within a minute. The reach of all these social media alone is incredible. We have a constant program of reaching out on social media and providing links to your informaiton to help you conect with others and make money.
People see the website, search, see your ad and call you!
ICIWorld print and on the street advertising reaches 300,000+ people readership and what it means for you:
Advertising On Your Behalf
One lead generated for you when they see your ad and you make money.
When a buyer or seller picks up a real estate trade magazine and sees the ICIWorld website of 30,000+ listings, 75% exclusive to do real estate business it creates interest. They go to the ICIWorld link advertised, search for listings, and see your listing, they call you and you show it and do a deal. It can be that simple.
When interest is created they are encouraged to go to an ICIWorld site, search for listings and call you on a listing and you make money and provide a great service for the public.
- everyone has a mobile phone and is on the front page of trade publications, social media and so much more, people simply add the mobile site to their phone home screen and it is permanently there for them to search anytime. If your information is there when they do, presto you have a lead to make money.
- or installs the ICIWorld App on their iPhone or Android phone
- then searches either on their device or their computer for real estate
- and IF and When your listing is placed and they see it, presto . . . you receive the call and do business. It can be that fast.
- See the 50 pages of testimonials.
Circulation such as the following trade publications in banks, variety stores, real estate offices, magazines reaching a readership of over 300,000. One reader sees iciworld, searches, sees your listing and calls you. If . . . it is placed and less than 90 days old.
These are great publications to advertise in. If you can include them all that would be advertising to get the highest and best price for your clients. We simply recommend you include in your marketing. Most everything is automatic once set up.
You should be using all the reasonable, competent methods to help market your clients properties in the marketplace.
Here are some ways in one market area.
Commercial Investor (Front Page)
Commercial Exchange (Front Page)
- lower mainland Greater Vacouver Area, Victoria, Okanagon, Penticton, printing 80,000 x 2 = 160,000 readership
Professional Memberships
CCIM Chapter Meetings at TRREB (Toronto Regional Real Estate Board)
Meetings and networking conducted throughout the year
All of this is circulation and distribution of information inviting people to do business with you.
Commercial Real Estate Educational Events, Seminars, at Ryerson University downtown Toronto, Site To Do Business, others.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS is the founder in 1994 of The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople.
ICIWorld started as an answer to a problem. How to keep track of all the Haves and Wants in the world.
Gary is also a Certified International Property Specialist.
He feels this service could help both designations and all its members to network with each other. It was built for just that very purpose.
ICIWorld International Newspaper
ICIWorld International Newspaper
Delivered Saturday mornings by EMail.
There will always be one or more articles of interest.
It is set up so that you can share an article to YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA from you.
Keeps you in touch with world events.
Read it with a cup of coffee or tea on Saturday mornings.
Shows, Conventions, Conferences
- Franchise Shows
- Real Estate Investment Shows
- International Real Estate Events
- Investment Shows
- Franchise Expo
- Motivational Shows
- Power of Success Tony Robbins 3,500 brochures taken home
- Empowering Women To Succeed
- and much more.
- ICIWorld hands out brochures encouraging people to see 30,000 contacts on their phones by adding to their phones. Thousands upon thousands have done so. One search by one person and presto you can be getting a call.
We have one of the busiest booths at Realtor Quest. We make a statement that you could have a $30,000 website and it is not as powerful as the websites we supply from ICIWorld for $16.50/month. Get our full demonstration and then you be the judge. Make an appointment for a demo. Takes less than 15 minutes. Conducted over the Interent. 10 minutes before your time go to and click on Webinar Workshop. Our two computers will be connected and we can talk from there.
Subscribe to Monthly Weekly Newsletters
Subscribe to the USA Monthly Newsletter
Subscribe to the Canadian Monthly Newsletter
We have thousands of subscribers. And each subscriber has hundreds of contacts and some thousands as well. This is tremendous penetration of the marketplace.
You can subscribe and unsubscribe.
We are assistants to 1,000+ brokers and salespeople.
These newsletters are our way of reminding you to check the latest new listings, Have and Want opportunities. Otherwise you can be missing doing deals and not realize it.
You can get creative ideas to do business by reading the Wants. If you see a buyer for a pharmacy or any kind of business, the next time you go into that kind of business, ask to speak to the owner. Ask them “if I could get you the price you want, would you consider selling?” There are buyers less than 90 days old ready to look. Can you set it up? Make some money.
So you see this is just one benefit to be reminded
Our World Wide, USA and Canadian EMail Monthly Newsletters deliver relevant information weekly to world subscribers.
EMails include upcoming events, tips, tricks and links to social media to stay up to date with education, news, networking, ideas, to benefit the industry.
Learn how to filter your email into folders. This way you stay in touch with regular upcoming events. Many that are time-sensitive.
On Members Websites
- 1,000+ websites with ICIWorld Widgets
- thousands of people visiting members websites seeing the listings is circulation for your listings!
- See samples
The significance of the listings being on thousands of other brokers websites is substantial for all members.
Broker members are building websites that serve their communities. Each one does advertising in scores of different ways. Each one is generating traffic for all their websites. If you add up all the traffic from members alone it is substantial. In all cases where members have widgets from ICIWorld, this means your listings are getting a circulation unparalleled in the industry.
However if you do not place a Have or Want or listing then your information has no opportunity to get seen.
Join today and get your information working 24/7.
Approximately $40/mo. unlimited advertising, full access to all 30,000 contacts including FSBO’s, widgets for your website, websites from $16.50.
Make an appointment when someone contacts you. Get an offer. Do a deal. Make some money. Look after the family, take a holiday, contribute to charity. Do it all over again.
Past Members Websites
- 500+ websites with ICIWorld Widgets
- links available for the public to click on
All to give everyone a chance to do business with information technology.
See the 50 pages of testimonials.
We appreciate the opportunity to help and look forward to your testimonial.
A Global Real Estate Database Since 1994.
Built for the World.
USA 954-317-2327
Canada 416-777-2633
After hours 416-214-4875
Toll Free 1-877-272-1721
Global Circulation, Distribution, in Many Ways. Display for All Your Information All Year Long. Readership From People in 185+ Countries.
Join and, with one click, reach the world.
SIGN UP HERE and network with the world.
Make an appointment. No matter where in the world you are located. Conducted over the Internet. 10 minutes before your time, go to and click on Webinar Workshops. Our two computers will connect. Consider us as a marketing and information assistant for you personally.
$40/mo. or $319/year
- unlimited ads
- widgets of listings for your website structured so that you get the leads
- support and assistance
- design for website
Websites are free for 30 days then $199/year hosting.
- complete turn-key setup ready to make money
- may include three major world networks of listings
- automatic delivery of new listing alerts to customers
- listings structured so that you get calls
Includes Our Pledge. Call us any 90 day period you are not doing business. We have a checklist that helps virtually 100% of the time.