(You should print this out and
staple it together 6 pages)
Checklist for your web site.
A web site is your storefront to the
Set it up right and it will work automatically on
the Internet generating leads and making you
money for the rest of your life.
Web sites are like billboards and if you have more
than one making you money then why not? They are included in your
membership. All you have to do is ask for one.
If you are not receiving the odd call now off the
Internet and doing business, you have what we call a "material defect" in
your membership. The following checklist addresses these defects and gets
you on the right road to benefit.
There are three videos:
- Segment 4 Web Site Workshop
- Segment 5 How To Promote Your Web Site
- Domain Names
The videos are available at
www.iciworld.com click on
Log In on the right, then click on Training Videos on the left.
There is a printout: How To Promote Your
Web Site go to www.iciworld.com
click on Training Videos on the left and look for Segment 5
Videos and print out How To Promote Your Web Site. This includes Search
Engine Optimization.
There is a manual. Go to
www.p2a.com click on Support, highlight
Checklist to get started:
A web site is
included for all members whether you use it or not. You just have to
ask for it. For a presentation of why everyone should have one visit www.iciworld.com click on For Members click on number 3 Mobile Websites the new Internet Revolution.
Web Site Start
Support numbers: Business Numbers: (416)840-6227
Tech Support 416-840-6227 After Hours 6pm Eastern and weekends (416)214- 4875.
Once you ask for a
web site, we send you an EMail with three important items in it:
__ Web site address.
This is for your own home page that was supplied by ICIWorld to you. You
may have more than one domain name for the web site that we supplied to
you, mark them all down here:
__ Username for your
home page web site:
__ Temporary
Permanent password: You must log in
yourself and design a permanent password:
Print out the
email that we sent you and insert it in this file folder.
You must log in
to your web site according to the instructions in the EMail.
__ Log in at the
bottom of your web site. It is to the right of Privacy Policy at the
bottom of your web site.
__ You must log in at least once every 90 days or your site can go inactive.
- __ See the video Domain Names. Go to
www.iciworld.com click on Training Videos on the left. Click on Domain Names number 17.
- __ See the video Segment 4 Web Site Workshop.
Go to www.iciworld.com click on Log In, click on Training Videos on the left.
- __ See the video How To Promote My Web Site. Go
to www.iciworld.com click on
Log In, click on Training Videos on the left.
- __ Make sure you have a proper domain name
working. ICIWorld recommends you can have three or more domain names.
- __ One can be your personalname.com or
something very easy to remember and give out to people. It is used
giving out to people who know you.
Log in to your web site. Click on Domains and Email. Click on
Domain Store. Click on Register a New Domain Name. Continue from
- __ A domain name you should have is with
the words real estate and your city location in the domain name.
ie: orlandorealestate.com
This is what we call an "ICIWorld recommended domain name." It gives you
a better chance to come up in the search engines of the world. If
someone searches your city and the words real estate, you have a better
chance of being found in a natural fashion.
Log in to your web site. Click on Domains and Email. Click on
Domain Store. Register one. It might be best for you to call us on
this one. This takes about 8 minutes to design and we have
personally helped almost all our members choose a great domain name. Set an appointment with us and we will help. Log in to your website and click on Domains.
- __ Make sure once you have your domain name,
that it appears in the address field of Internet Explorer once someone
arrives at your web site.
This can be set by logging in to your web site, click on Domains and
EMail, click on Default Domain and make a selection.
That way when people arrive at your web site they see that name in the
address field.
- __ Domain names. Make them automatic renewal. If
you do not you can easily miss a reminder email once each year and you
can lose your domain name. When you try to get it back, there are a
bunch of people on the Internet who grab expired domain names and try to
sell them back to you for $1,000-$3,000. So set your domain name
to auto renew.
click on Domains and Email. click on My Domains and make choices
to auto renew.
- __ To point other domain names to this new web
site follow the instructions in Domains and EMail, and click on Point
Domains and aliases and choose from there.
- __ Browser Title. Make sure your location and
words real estate appear in this box. It is the title at the top line of
the web site that people see when they visit your web site. It helps
your website be found by the search engines of the world. ie: make sure
Orland Real Estate appears.
Log in to your web site. Click on Jump To and choose Edit. So you
"jump to edit."
Make sure it is your home page. See Pages. Home should be appearing in
the drop down box.
You will see the words Page Name and Search Engine Information appear,
click on Page Name.
Leave Page Name as Home.
In the Browser Title box type in your city and the words real estate.
- __ Meta Description: Type in your city and the
words real estate.
- __ Meta Keywords: Type in your city and the
words real estate.
- __ First sentence on the page. Make sure your
location and words real estate appear in the first sentence on the page.
Usually the first sentence says something like "Welcome to Smith
Real Estate, your choice for Manhattan City Real Estate. Make sure
your city and the words real etate appear in this sentence.
Once all the five above are completed it can take anywhere from one week
to one year to have your page indexed by the search engines of the
- __ Commercial button. ICIWorld installs
this button for you. It is your state, like Florida Commercial.
Even if you are a residential broker, it is only a choice. If someone is
not interested they won't click on it. However if someone is interested
and they see a $1M property and ask you for help, tell them you will
have someone call them back. Then you call the other broker and
say "I have a lead for you is a 25% referral commission okay with you."
- __ My listings button. This is a link to
YOUR personal listings on ICIWorld. The instant you add a listing
to ICIWorld, it is instantly added to your own home page. If you
do not have this, call our office now and we will program it on your web
site for you.
- __ World commercial button. Lets people
know you belong to a world brokers network and they should call you when
they are interested in any message number. when people call you
and ask for more information on a message number, tell them you will
have someone call them back. Then you call the other broker and say "I
have a lead for you is a 25% referral commission okay with you."
If you do not have this, call our office now and we will program it on
your web site for you.
- __ Your home page. It should have the paragraph
re: $1 Trillion of Buyers and $8 Billion of properties. This can be one
of the biggest money producing, revenue generating items on your web
site. If you do not have this, call our office now and we will program
it on your web site for you.
- __ Selling areas. You must select your selling
NLS Selling Areas (Add or remove appropriate neighborhoods in which you
work or list properties. Your visitors will also be able to search for
homes in these neighborhoods on your Home Search page.)
Again we suggest the more the better because if you get a call outside
your selling area you can do referrals.
- __ Residential button. Even if you are a
commercial broker, it is only a choice. If someone is not interested
they won't click on it. However if someone is interested and they see a
$1M property and ask you for help, tell them you will have someone call
them back. Then you call the other broker and say "I have a lead
for you is a 25% referral commission okay with you."
If you have a button that says "Our Listings" we recommend you change it
to Residential
click on Jump to Edit and choose the Page Our Listings, click on Page
Name and change it to Residential.
- __ Condo button.
- __ Special location buttons.
You may have a general button for homes in your wide area, but you may
want a specific button for homes and condos in your city.
- __ Handshake Agreements. You need to set other
brokers listings to appear on your web site. The more
listings you have, the more opportunities there are for people to become
interested in a property. DO REFERRALS on the properties out of your
market area!
click on NLS Connections
click on Handshake
Make choices. We recommend you approve them all using the Bulk Approval
The more handshakes, the more listings appear on your web site. The more
choices people have. The more opportunities there is for you to do
- __ Residential results with no addresses.
You should have a Residential button on your web site but the results
should have no addresses. If they do, people can see the other broker,
call them and buy the property and you do not make any money after all
the expense and work to generate the lead in the first place.
If you see an address on any of your listings this is a MATERIAL DEFECT.
We can help you fix it.
Click on Configure Which Listings Show and their Display Format
Make sure Location is hidden.
- __ Residential results with no other brokers
phone numbers on each ad.
Choose Online Office, click on NLS Connections, choose Options, remove
checkmarks on List Display Settings.
You want people to call you not the the other brokers.
- __ Make sure your contact information is up to
date and prominent. You must follow the guidelines of your real estate
licensing body in your state or province on how you represent yourself
when you advertise to the public.
On the front page at the bottom of the page where it says Sincerely and
your name, you should place all your information.
There is a contact page you can edit.
Click on Jump to Edit and on the left you have a choice of Pages to
edit. Choose Contact Me! You should click on Edit Header and
place your full business card of information on this page.
to check how it looks after you have edited it and saved it, click on
Jump To View.
All information will not appear to the public for about 2 hours.
- __ Customize Design. This is self help to
add your logo and personal picture.
We encourage you to change your graphics any time.
We encourage you to experiment with Themes.
- __ To add photos: When you try to add photos, the
system will want to install a program called puflite. This is
important because it resizes photos very nicely.
If you did not allow it to be installed and have to do it manually, you
will need to go to www.p2a.com click on
Support, highlight User Manual, highlight click on Getting Started,
click on Search. Look for puflite and continue from there to
install it.
Without puflite installed you will not be able to upload photos.
- __ To link all your various web sites to each
other: Simply type a statement on your home page "Please feel free
to visit my other web site" and type the web site address with the www.
__ On your other web sites, send an instruction to your web site
designer to link to your other web site.
- __ If you have other web sites you can add
special links to all your other web sites to listings structured in a
way that you get the calls. Details and a link for your website designer.
- __ To add your own listings with photos to your
web site.
click on Online Office, click on Listings and make choices.
We suggest you have at least six photos for each property. That
way an automatic slide show takes place.
- __ You need to log in to your web site a
minimum of once every three months! If not your web site will go
inactive. Your listings will not appear on other Point2 members web
All licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in the industry in my
opinion have a responsibility to look after your information. It is an
obligation to your clients and prospects to keep you information up to
date. Other brokers complain if information is not accurate or up to
date. This is a way that Point2 has of dealing with it.
If you are not getting calls off the Internet
every once in a while and doing referrals or business, you need to call us
If you miss any item in the above list, it can be
the difference between you making money and not making money. We
call any missing item a material defect in your membership.
Do not hesitate to
us when you need assistance.

Since 1994